Our Slip Ring Induction Motor Frequently tripped By Earth
Fault While Starting time and in Normal Operation Time also
Kindly Let me Know the Reason. Application Ball Mill -
Cement Mill
Check the brushes ,as tripping is probably due to unbalanced
current if 2 OCR and EFR protection is adopted
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How the neutral earthing is connected in DG alternator
25 kvar capacitor , how much current ? For 25 KVAR--Capacitor I = ?
What is the different between conventional MCC and intelligent MCC? Common controller or controller for each bucket
what are the parameters plays a major role in Potential transformer Burden calculation??
what is first pole to clear factor
can anyone please help me to find the rupturing or breaking capacity in KA of circuit breaker (MCCB,VCB,ACB etc) of HT and LT side of a distribution transformer...please help with detailed step by step answer...thank you
how to calc. current for 5MVAR,50hz,33kv
How i can calculate current of cable according to ares?
what about the input current fan when regulator regulates to speed low?
Hi all I had applied for the RRB test in the ELECRICAL category. I would be pleased if any of you can sent me previous year question papers. Please forward the question papers to varshashahi@yahoo.com Thanks and regards Varsha
Is it possible to increasing the real power generation by reducing the reactive power in power generation plants
exolain the star delta connection