Human Resources Interview Questions
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What is the use of MS outlook?


1 6256

what is the meaning of "gold calar workers"

1 4743

The present state of reession in it industry as a human resoures managers how are you going to under take human resoures planing at maecro leval to ove this crisis


What is job evaluation . How is it related to recruitment , competency mapping compensation & benefit


what is the difference between job description and job evaluation.

2 14878

i have done law 5yrs course now pursuing mba in marketing 2nd year now wht would be the answer why i choose marketing as specialization ?if 9in interview ask this question how to defend myself?


why did you choose human resourse rather than marketing?

1 4354

I want to know if I do B Sc and MBA simultaneously whether it will be acceptable by organization (private / public) while I try for job opportunities. Or will they reject saying simultaneous graduation is not acceptable as I have seen organization asking for 12+3+2 years for qualification. I had previously done BA (2 years) then MCA (2 years). Pl. advice.


Human resource management in retailing business


what are the ways to identify talented professionals

1 3649

What type of compesation and rewards available in most of the organisations? and how to improve it?



Whats performance management? how does it applied in the organization and how to improve the existance performance manage?


2 5708

what to say to get postive openion if an interviewer asks about strength & weeknennes?

Genpact, IOCL,


What all the qualities, HR should have, other than the one mentioned below, as all these qualities should be there for any executives includine HR, so specifically which qualities should be there for HR : learning ability, observation, leadership, attitude, loyalty..

3 6513

the present state of recession in the industry-as a human resource manager how are you going to undertake human resource planning at macro level to tide over this crisis?


2 13564

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Un-Answered Questions { Human Resources }

what is talent acquisition


Q1.what will be career path as a HR in the particular company?


Mention 5 paramaters that you would consider while searching a candidate for the position of Vice President-Finance/HR for Copal Partners?


i am a mba professional,but i ve secured 59.5% in mba.will i get job in hr field ps tell me?


what contents should be added in introduction part?


Why the companies announce different position like (MTO and Officer)for the persons having same Both are of Master's Degree???


If a person is having 1 year experiencein Search & recruitment Firm,Is he/she is eligible for any good corporate?


how much sap is necessery in hr?


Dear friend, this is sriram from hyderabad,m doing my MBA(HR). At present am in 3rd semester. How is the market for us? and which type of jobs are offered for a MBA(HR) fresher? And i would like to do a job in Manufacturing sector , please let me know the supportive courses for that. Thanks in advance Sriram Adluri +919866737620


how in interview asking about the general


all questions and answer related to recruitment job?


Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you


How to do headhunting in information technology profiles? The recruiting is different in this kind of profiles?


Describe a time when you anticipated a problem and developed a potential solution?


What was the most difficult presentation that you've had to make? How did you overcome the difficulty?