Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is bandpass of a transformer?

2 6012

When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what will be output wave form of secondary ?

Bhel, Sail, Sterling Telecom, TCS,

15 48259

please send me the L&T Emb. sys. placement papers and entire details of pattren



Why we connect the capacitor in Delta?if we conect in Star what will happen?

9 30491

What is IGBT?Where it is used? What is the difference between IGBT and Thyristor?

AC, Formo Plastic, HBL Power Systems, SECL,

5 62931

What is mean by diversity Fator?

7 19568

can we use 220 volt 15 w a.c. lamp on 220 volt d.c.


11 19836

Explain Clearly Pahase and Neutral?

7 10342

Why the Motor takes High Current in Starting time?

5 10877

What is the difference between Surge protection device and Lighting arrester?

6 15231

Explain the working principle of Synchronous Generator and Assynchronous generator?


11 51851

why the current leads voltage in the case of a capasitor


9 18887

Motor also having losses, we call KW rating. In transformer and generator having losses but we call KVA Rating why?

9 14428

The rotor current is directly proportional to slip. How?

3 7443

How the starter control the starting current in three phase AC Motor?(In DC apply the reistance).

6 14392

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in wind mill use 2100 kw asychronous generator ( induction generator ) rotor voltage : 3300,stator voltage : 690, rpm : 1511 type : MRL063E04 ' we check rotor resistance magger value found following. R-EARTH - 00 M.OHM,Y-EARTH-34 M.OHM,B-EARTH- 33M.OHM R-Y: 31 M.OHM, Y-B: 00 M.OHM,B-R :33 M.OHM HOW CAN I TAKE DECISION?pls ans. quickly


how much leakage current is allowed in MC61A L&T make relay?


What is the method for testing the differential protection stabilty in generator? When the time of starting What will happen if differentail protection connection wrong means?


In layman terms, what is the difference of Dielectric strength and dielectric constant when speaking of an insulating oil


How many types of electric motors are there?


calculate external resistance values to add to the rotor of a slip ring induction motor. STATOR- 415 V, 3 phase delta, 1100 A, 50 Hz, 1490 rpm, pf 0,86 ROTOR - 660 V, 590 A, 50 Hz. STATOR current at each steps STEP1-600A,STEP2- 800A,STEP3-1000A,STEP4-1100A.


What is PQA???Applications........



1.what is mean by 8/20 micro sec waveshape


A 3-phase IM is supplied from 50 Hz system. It runs at speed of 1440 rpm and slip equal to 4 %. Calculate number of pole pairs. A 1 B 6 C 2 D 3


how to compute kAIC?  with formulas...


What is Faraday's law


how to set the time in digital timer ?


Would you recommend to replace all oil filled cables with xlpe cable for hv transmission with the current technolgy for xlpe cable?


In siemens PLC, why do we want to move the data ?