L.A. (Lightening Arrester) is located at a place from where transmission line enters the transmitting substation. So L.A. (Lightening Arrester) is the first equipments which has to encounter with lightening, high voltage surges and switching surges. It has to absorb energy of lightening, high voltage surges, and switching surges. L.A. (Lightening Arrester) is made up of layers of semiconductors. If these layers can not tolerate energy released by lightening, high voltage surges, and switching surges the L.A. (Lightening Arrester) blasts.
77375 kw motor take 45 amp in no load delta in star 10 amp but in load it will take 160 amp but IR velue of winding above 500 at 1kw ph to earth and ph to ph. what problem it should be?
3390Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
What is clock position of Transformer?what are the clock positions are there?and what is different of them?
A 15 kw squirrel cage motor having a maximum efficiency of 90% on a continuous full load has temperature rise of 42 degrees celcius after 30 min and 52 degrees celcius after 1 hr under the above operation conditions. a) calculate its final steady state temperature rise on continuous load and the heating time constatnt. b) if the motor is operated on a short load for 9 min estimate its temperature rise. c) calculate the maximum overload that can be applied on a short, 9 min rating so that the temperature rise is the same as the final steady state temperature rise on continuous load.
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