Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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How to design the no. of ceiling fans required in 5mtr X 10 mtr X 3 Mtr hight room?


What is the de rating factor of cable? What is the importance of the de rating factor in cable selection?


What is size 00, 01, 1 etc., in HRC fuse types?



What is the meaning of 40X8X2 busbar dimensions for carring load of 400 Amps


What is the purpose of shunt trip in ACB function?

1 5496

What is the working principle of CFL & T5 tube light & 40W tube light with electronic ballast?



Is there any Flood lighting system which produces more light (More power consumption 1000W,400W etc.,), white light and restart immediately after power restoration ?

1 2711

What is working principle of washing machine?

IBPA, Samsung,

9 88968

Can we use 3 phase energy meter for measureing power in 2 phase 440 V phase circuit?

2 4670

1)What are the proccedure of initial charge of 100AH lead Acid battery bank 2)whether discharge test is reqd ? if it is rqd why, how 3)what are the discharge critieria (volt/cell or sp.gravity/cell

1 2846

what is ignition?

1 3010

sir,i am swati. i am goin to gv jspl exam on 21st nov'10. iwant previous year question paper. plz help me out. my emailid is swatisinha.dav@gmail.com

1 2994

why the autotransformer burnt while stating the pumpmotor?, In starter and motor there was no abnormality.

4 12561

what condition there autotransformer will fail?

2 3500

Why insulation level follows this order? transformer < bus bar < circuit breaker & Isolator < transmission line.


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Given a collection of points P in the plane, a 1-set is a point in P that can be separated from the rest by a line; i.e. the point lies on one side of the line while the others lie on the other side. The number of 1-sets of P is denoted by n1(P). The maximum value of n1(P) over all configurations P of 19 points in the plane is 18


How to calculate Voltage regulation of 22 KV Over head Line.


which metal is use in shunt


What is the de rating factor of cable? What is the importance of the de rating factor in cable select


How does "OUT OF STEP" relay ,for Synchronous motor protection, work?


What is order of the system?


How can calculate the rating of a alternator for a given specific load with formula


What will happened if the neutral of secondary of Xformer ( Star point) Note it's above KVA rated Xformer


What is power factor why we should maintain the power factor unless what will happen




I have a drawing of a wound rotor induction motor for a crane. This crane motor has 5 forward speeds & 5 reverse speed implemented of course with different amount of resistance for each speed setting selected. What has got me scratching around is the fact that 8 of the 10 speed selections switch in uneven (unbalanced) amounts of resistances on each of the 3 connections to the motor's rotor.Can this be possible? I would have assumed this would produce unbalanced rotor currents and therefore vibration in the motor. I would greatly appreciate anyone's comments on this. Many thanks, Confused.


IN SINGLE PH TRANSFORMER IF LEKAGE IMPEDANCE DROP IS NEGLECTED ,THE FLUX IN THE MAGNETIC CORE and the lekage flux linking a winding are a)proportional to the applied v to the winding i respectively.


Why phase sequence must be same in any ht motor or generator circuit?if phase sequence doesn't same whatever will be affect on circuit?


if main CT is of ratio 50/5, and meter CT is -/5 what will be overall multiplying factor of meter.PT is 11000/110 .


What's the difference between non break power supply and non break non short break power supply