If not into production, how far did you follow the design and why did not you see it into production?
1762What are the technical reasons for soaking transformers for various times before allowing them to pick load after a fault ?
4 52444For an 100kw generator, only 50kw of load is connected. will the generator generate only 50kw or 100kw. if it generate 100kw what happens to rest of the 50kw. what happens if we connect more than 100kw of load?
8 18064In a synchronous motor armature current flows due to revolving flux which in turn rotates the load,but in no load condition armature current is zero hence thr is no revolving flux then how motor rotates?
9 13503Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
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In synchronization circuit what is the function of Interposing voltage transformer(IVT)and Reverse voltage transformer(RVT)
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I'm looking for a mnaual set for a Teradyne J750. Softcopy would be preferred but I'll take what I can get.
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