Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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when we use pda detector in hplc instead of uv detector


6 23018

why we use holmiumperchlorate in calibrating uv

Aurobindo, DRL, MSN Pharma,

4 16770

why chiral compounds will rotate the plane polarized light in SoR.


4 13418

Why sulpuric acid only used to ROI but not used nitric acid and some other acids?

Cadila, Laurus, Ranbaxy,

7 29606

how we do assay of urea, ammonium sulpate, ammonium nitro pospate etc


1 3006

what is difference of uv and pda

Akums, MSN, MSN Pharma, Shilpa Medicare,

13 66787

how can you do the analysis of compound given to u by hplc

2 7689

What is calibration procedure of gredient HPLC pump

4 24265

How to determine water content of thioanisole? which interfere by KF titration?

1 6985

what is dissolution


6 25903

What is colimn selection Criteria in HPLC analysis?

4 14392

How to select buffer for HPLC mobile phase

Cadila, Cipla, Lupin,

4 21508

What is primary & Secondary Standard ? Give Example

Cipla, Lupin,

17 161947

Which buffer is used for LC/MS mobile phase & at What Conc.

3 10171

How we fix the validity period of a Normal solution and re-standardization due date

3 7997

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

In rs method development when we are going area normalization method to dilute standard method?


if tech transfer fails whay require to do?


What is the formula to determine the concentration of M of a solution given the % transmittance? Use %T = 43.7 as an example.


How we performed the force degradation for drug substance, is any specific guideline is available for each parameter(Acidic, basic, oxidation,heat)? what conditions you mentained for above parameters.


what is mean by extactable and leachable study?


how you confirm the assay method?


why sre you used Potassium hydrogen phthalate in standarisation of 1N NaOH and 0.1 N Perchloric Acid?


what is mean by 40 in the dissolution basket mesh size?


if you have given one product then how you determine the impurity in that?


[3/30, 13:29] Manoj P Venkatpurwar: How hplc column selection according to structure? How mobile phase buffer selection on molecule structure?


acceptance criteria for lod & loq by standard deviation of response and slope??


Why a1% value is used for some product ? What is the criteria for selection a1% value ?


why salisylic acid not using now days for disdolution calibration?


why multimedia dissolution require to do?


How to calibration of the uv spectroscopy and its test?