Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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Difference between uv detector nd RI DETECTOR? wt s the difference between OVI Solvents nd residual solvents incase of GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY? nd wt s its detection limit?

3 14347

on what basis SOP's can be changed? IF mobile phase ratio is 70:30 to how much % can we change the ratio in HPLC process

Cipla, Ranbaxy,

7 14918

Why caffeine as a reference standard used for calibration of HPLC?

Gangwal Chemicals, Orchid,

11 53246

What is the composition of K.F


6 39984

What should be the precision for HPLC during technology transfer?

3 8473

how do start hplc method development? how much sample required for developing the method development?

BMS, Cipla, Indoco Remedies, Sun Pharma,

3 51076

Wt s the use of linearity in HPLC method validation

4 14890

which pharmacopeoia mentions that caffiene is used as a standard for HPLC calibration? which other standardscan be used for the same?

Hetero, Mylan,

1 8038

Why will a solution of aspirin without acid or basic hydrolysis give yellow colour with a solution of Ferric chloride?

1 4917

Why do we use 0.005M h2so4 solution for preparation of k2cr2o7 solution for UV calibration?

Jubilant, Medreich, Mylan,

3 23722

In HPLC what is Single point threshold, peak purity index and minimum peak purity index? what should be consider for pure peak.

3 30053

why the sucrose used in calibration of polarimeter


5 14614

what r the parts calibrated in gc

ELBS, Reddy Labs,

21 32467

acceptance criteria for ph meter, hplc detector,pump,injector,oven when we calibrate.

3 23092

is there any material other than caffene to calibrate hplc detector


13 25537

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

For standardization of volumetric solutions, acceptance limit for concentration is considered as 10% of nominal concentration and %RSD as NMT 0.2% (for appropriate no. of replicates). But , if %RSD has not met, what should be further action?


Why do we use KMnO4 in the test of control of obsorbance ? and why do we take specific quantity i.e 57-63mg?


if peak get problamatic then what require to do?


what is mean by peak intigrity?


What is the requirement for brazil in the analytical method vslidation comparr to ich?


Why sometime potassium ortho phosphate mix with acetone use for sample preparation for hplc


how require to interprit the method precision data of hptlc?


what is the principle involved in turbidometry and nephelometry ?


What is the difference between spectro meter and spectro photo meter?


What is rs test why we are performing rs test?


what you do when compound having dwel wavelength?


If combination product how require to identify which imp is of which api?


function of detecter in hplc ,gc and spectroscopy? function of carrier gas in gc?


on saturation solubility study data how we can find out the bcs class of drug?


In Dissolution Test why limit is define Q+5% what is the role of +5%.