Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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what is rs test why we are perfoming rs test

2 9632

In GC calibration,what is the procedure to calibrate the TCD (thermal counductivity detector)suggest ?



What is difference between silica used in TLC and HPLC column

Cipla, Meghmani Organics,

4 17872

Why Urasil and Caffeine use for HPLC wavelength accuracy calibration. which is most suitable, Why? other than these which can be used?


7 17165

When we r doing processing method for sst in Empower software by HPLC, What value has to give in void volume and as per which pharmacopia!

Micro Labs, Mylan,

5 13581

what is use of acetonitrile compare to methanol in RP-HPLC Method devlopment

Neuland, Orchid,

7 22242

is a bonded water molecule in an organic material can be easlisy and accuractly determined by KF rather than LOD

2 6787

How to know HPLC column performance?

Meghmani Organics,

4 11846

What is heavy water

Meghmani Organics,

3 7855

What will be the effect on HPLC analysis result if three mobile phases given separately through three valves and same proportion mixed together and given by one valve?


1 4577

Which products will produce when acetic anhydride reacts with Ter-butanol, Sec-butanol, Iso butanol, Dimethylamine etc.


Why PH range from 0to14.

College School Exams Tests, Reddy Labs, Wings Customer Care,

2 13243

why you are using benzoic acid for water content determination in TEA

2 6936

difference between instrumenent and equipment

6 12277

mixed 1.0 ml of methanol and 1.0 ml of toluene and injected in gas chromatography.will you prove that both solvents are in the ratio 1:1(not by area normalization)

1 2997

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

2. Two grams of Benzoic acid are dissolved in 200 ml of water and extracted with 200 ml of diethyl ether. The distribution coefficient of benzoic acid is 100, and its dissociation constant is 6.5 10-5. Calculate the distribution ratio (D) of benzoic acid at pH 2, 5, and 6. 3. Calculate D at pH 2 to 10 (1 unit apart) in the above problem, and plot D versus pH.


A ha tc is actual defination of retention time?


Why perchloric acid used for potentiometric titration


Tell me something about Vitamin A test method by HPLC


which situation gc hs and gc als require to use?


identification is for unknown? qualification for known? reporting for LOQ?


why salisylic acid not using now days for disdolution calibration?


acceptance criteria for lod & loq by standard deviation of response and slope??


What is the acceptance criteria for moisture balance when calibrated with sodium sulfate


why glutent are detected in the rice cereal baby food product even manufacturer claimed that they are using rice and milk only?we have using ELISA to do the test,and rice supposed not containing any glutent,rite?We already repeat the test so many times and it still detected.just wondering where the glutent came from?


how to selecet an exact coloumn for an new molecule development by hplc how to select exact salt as buffer for new molecule development by hplc what is the the process to select the mode of saparation of compoundes by hplc what is the use of ph of buffer what is use of buffer,ph,organic phase,ans methods how the molecules get saparated in coloumn,


Why acetonitrile and water are used as extraction solvent when analysis melamine? I thought they are miscible and won't be able to separate...


Many times I don't got a caffeine peak in calibration of hplc using guard column ❓


How do we fix the sample concentaryion in hplc method development?


Why sometime potassium ortho phosphate mix with acetone use for sample preparation for hplc