Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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What is the principle of GC/HPLC ?

BioCan, Biocon, Megafine Pharma,

4 55932

Why pH Range has been fixed as 0 to 14 ?

Akums, Cipla, Matrix, SUN,

1 6569

How you develop a method in HPLC?

CU, Perrigo, Wockhardt,


why using buffers in hplc inteed of water

5 12339

How long we can use hygroscopic reference standard in terms of water absorb.I mean in line with respective monograph's specification or more than that?

1 2500

Why we use methy Ethyl Propylparabine For HPLC Calibration

1 4823

What is use of LOD and LOQ in validtion and give range and in calculation why we use 3.3* LOD here why we use 3.3

Dr Reddys, IPCA, Reddy Labs,

2 5686

In specificity what parametrs are consider why that parametrs

2 5879

ash or residue in that what will be there.

3 5353

How can we determine Moisture content of HI?

Cipla, Reddy Labs,

1 2716

What is difference between oos


7 26066

what is the differance between Analytical and semi micro balance?

2 12676

In the method validation proceedure,lod & loq calculation we use the formulae for LOD=3.3*SD/slope and for LOQ=10*SD/slope,why we use 3.3 & 10 in the formulae?

1 10171

In HPLC Chromatographic separation Resolution equation is Rs = 1.18 (tR2 –tR1)/wh1+Wh2, Where, tR2 and tR1 is run time of eluent ratios of the distances from the point of application to the centers of the spots and the distance travelled by the solvent front from the point of application (retardation factor), and Wh1and Wh2 , is peak width of at half height. What is 1.18 ?

1 6363

what is mean by theoritical plates(not formula) ?

Micro Labs,

4 13223

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How they found 1mL of K.F reagent is equivalent to 5mg of water and if we change the composition of K.F reagent, is it can neutralize more amount of water?


What is the principle of HPLC, GC, LCMS, GCMS,LC QQQ, GC QQQ, LC Q TOF and GC Q TOF. What are the applications and Specificity?


Loss of linearity in tkn analysis, possible reasons?


what is mean by dissolution biowaiver study?


how to selecet an exact coloumn for an new molecule development by hplc how to select exact salt as buffer for new molecule development by hplc what is the the process to select the mode of saparation of compoundes by hplc what is the use of ph of buffer what is use of buffer,ph,organic phase,ans methods how the molecules get saparated in coloumn,


Why irmoisture balance is used for corrugated box moisture testing


can we use the same detector in HPLC as well GC and what could be the differences we can find in the final chromato graph in any aspects?


why lactose has less charges when packed in steel containers when compared with packing of lactose in polyamide material?


Explain the relations between number of carbon atoms in alkanes and retention time ?


What is delay volume?


we are performed SOR for a particular product the limit is -6 to -10.We face particular bathes it is not meeting the specification.we performed diffrent instrument diffrent analyst we are getting diffrent diffrent results.solvent is dimethyl sulfoxide what could be the reasion


How doing qbd practically?


why does used dry caffien in HPLC calibration?