How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at
which phase of testing you will do this.

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How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this...

Answer / sowmya

Test Cases for sanity testing are the test cases which
covers the major functionality of the application are
considered.There wont be any seperate test cases written
for sanity testing.

Sanity testing is done to test whether the application is
ready for major part of testing.i.e is at the end of each
testing phase and entering into next testing phase sanity
testing is done

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How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this...

Answer / karthik

We have to choose the cases which tests the major
functionalities of an application.

we have to do this sanity testing at each and every Phase
as an exit criteria which is to be satisfied.

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How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this...

Answer / suneel reddy

test cases 4 Sanity testing can be prepared only based on
the possitive functional flow of module or bulid

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How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this...

Answer / ajay

Test cases which represents the main functionality of the
application. it is done at every phase till the application
get exit. it is always done to check whether the
application can withstand the regression testing.

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