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CSS Interview Questions
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What type of recordsets are available in ADO?

1 7097

In SilkTest we have a function Except Log which displays the path of the error occured in a Script.In QTP do we have any function like that?


What?s the difference between PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE in MyISAM?

4 13173

What is the difference between QA and QC?

39 105983

what is data Adapter?

26 42675

Yeast is used in making bread because it produces 1 CO2 2 O2 3 Sugar 4 Bacteria

3 7333

1.Whats the use of GNAC(Generator Neutral Accessory Compartment) 2. why generator or any other system require Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding 3. what happens if any one of the phase is grounded. 4. if 15kv is grounded directly what will happen, why it should not be grounded like that 5. use of of NGTR(Neutral Grounding Transformer and Resistor) for grounding is helpfull and how

5 25837

can we create recorset with out using database connection in vbscript?

1 4945

how to handle exceptions in core applications?

2 4926

How to explain struts work flow

12 78659

What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?


What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?

9 14640

How is the communication with the developers for the Unit Testing?

2 4044

What are all covers for the Unit Testing ?

1 4116

What are all the things should be covered in the Unit Test cases ?

1 4666

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What is two way data binding in angularjs?


What is private blockchain? Give examples?


Is python dictionary a hash table?


how to tie 10 legged stirrups


What does the “static” keyword mean?


Where do we need Operator overloading?


How can I get ascii value of any letter? Is there any function?


How do you make a powerpoint slide 20 seconds?


How do I convert a table to text in word?


is WCT aplicable on educational institutions also??????


Wt is the diff bw BPEngine and Integration engine?


how can i create report in abap to insert data in table pa0002 using insert command


whit is 33kv power 300*300 cable full current with formula


how to test load test and block box testing an a web based application pls give ans briefly


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