Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.
4 11109How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this.
4 12535How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to- many relationships while designing tables?
1 9422String is an immutable object. Then how can the following code be justified. String s1 = ?ABC?; String s1 = s1+?XYZ?; s.o.p(s1); The output is ABCXYZ, which is the value of s1 ?
6 16588Instead of writing Home, Remote Interfaces if i directly extends EJBObject to bean class what happens?
1 4695Post New Flextronics Interview Questions
What standards body will xaml be submitted to? : xaml
What is a controller angular?
What is the major difference between and data type?
What are the deadlock avoidance algorithms?
How would you use Version Control on an entire sub-system? And why would this be useful?
What are the different types of triggers in mysql?
Explain the difference between creating an effect and setting the target as opposed to adding an effectlistener?
Why Ethanol is Used for Standardization of GC Head space?
Is it possible for a stored procedure to call itself or recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting are possible?
The amount of thickness of the metal sheet that can be welded by ultrasonic welding is
What do you mean by qtp?
How do states move from discovery to action?
Does windows server 2019 support windows 7?
Explain the designer?
What are different Struts2 tags? How can we use them?