what is bug triage?

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / anonymus

Bug triage is a formal process where each bug is prioritized
based on its severity,frequency,risk and etc. to achieve
better balance working on the important and unimportant bugs.

This process makes time save as we need not worry much about
the less important bugs first.

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / rajesh kumar

Bug Can be differentiate in a three section
1. Bug which is fixed now
2. bug which is fixed later
3. bug which is not fixed

here we traiage a bug on the basis of there priority and
severity, Most of the time severity bug always get priority
so we can differentiate a bug on the basis of severity and

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / saff

bug triage is prioritizing the bug we have

the situvation arise when we have certain number of bugs to
be fixed and dont know their priority
so in company they will haev a standard that when certain
number of bugs are reached and not fixed tehn there should
be meeting held and decided on the priorities of the bugs

so all the team members will gather and decided about each
and every bug and finalize the priorities

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / senthil

Bug triage :

This bug triage meeting held while defects is getting more value from client side. In that time testing ,development,delivery and customer discuss about the defects and make it schedule of that.

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / vooha nallamothu

The time gap between defect reporting and bug. closing is called Bug Life cycle time or Bug triage
Depending on severity and priority bugs are sorted and solved.
Bugs needed to fix urgently
Bugs needed to fix mandatory but not urgent
Bugs may or may not to fix..

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what is bug triage?..

Answer / guest

bug means defect from the application.the test engineer
identifyed bug is called defect and after identifying the
bug he will send to development dep, then development dep
will accept this defect, if accept the development dep is
called B ug.
bug tacking is identify the bug. and checking the defect is
fixed or not.if fixed then we will closeing the testing.
u want fully knowledge in Bug tracking go and click GURU99
or GCREDDY sites

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