Testing AllOther Interview Questions
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What are the main key components in Web applications and client and Server applications? (differences)

Accenture, Disha Tech, Verisoft,

4 16717

What is the technical reviews and reviews?


4 10760

Daily howmany bugs will you find and what types are they?


4 14103

In what basis you will write test cases?


8 19501

If the client identified some bugs to whom did he reported?


6 13232

what are the main bugs which were identified by you and in that how many are considered as real bugs?


1 7803

What is the formal technical review?


1 8348

Will you write a test plan in all phases?

Accenture, HCL,

11 24752

Actually how many positive and negetive testcases will write for a module?


3 10027

Overall what percentage of positive and negetive testcases would you write?


5 10656

Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?


4 11274

What is service pack..what is the purpose of this..?This question was asked in an testing interview..that's why i posted this in this category..

Infeneon Technologies,

1 6679

Does functional testing comes under Black box or white box testing?

Infeneon Technologies, S1 Services,

4 10279

what are reviews..? In what type of reviews are going to participate?

1 4513

What are the differences between these three words Error, Defect and Bug.

7 8730

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can you tell me the correct process for creating automation frame work for project(key word driven framework)


what is modular framework?


What is affinity diagram?


In the 7 Stages of the SDLC (Planning, System Analysis, System Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Maintenance), what is the INPUT and OUTPUT of each stage?


Explain code inspection?


What advantages would using an iSCSI Storage Area Network (SAN) give to your organization over using Direct Attached Storage (DAS) or a Fibre Channel SAN?


What is quality matrix in software testing?


Why can be tester dependent on configuration management?


wht is scope of ur project?


Which activity in the fundamental test process includes evaluation of the testability of the requirements and system?


What is maintenance testing?


Your audit indicates that the corporate quality management system did NOT work as it should have. How should this finding be categorized? 1. Minor nonconformance 2. Major nonconformance 3. Deficiency 4. Observation 5. Catastrophic failure


i am a PG science(chemistry),now am working test engineer in small organization,now i will decide to move better organization please send model cv and advises


'This life cycle model is driven by schedule and budget risks' this statement is best suited for.


We r developing one Web Site for construction company. In that Web site we have different option like About Us,Contact Us,Home,Sites,Site Map,Search Etc........ and front page of that web application contains 6 different pictures means single page contain 6 pics etc... write Test plan ,Test Scenarios,Test Case ....