how must steel will use for 1 cubic meter.formula of steel
for beam,column,lantern.
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Answer / saif raza
Generally we are consider 100kgs steel per cum of concrete
for calculation which will give the rough quantity of steel
required for project.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 231 Yes | 51 No |
Answer / rajesh kumar jha
Footing - 80 kg/cumec
column - 160 kg/ cumec
Beam. - 110 kg/ cumec
slabe. - 80 kg / cumec
By thomb rule
Is This Answer Correct ? | 119 Yes | 11 No |
Answer / cbsrinivas
for columns 2-3%
for slabs 0.5-1.5%
for beams 1-1.5%
for piles 2-5%
Is This Answer Correct ? | 111 Yes | 31 No |
Answer / arulselvan
for columns 2-3%
for slabs 0.5-1.5%
for beams 1-1.5%
for piles 2-5%..
Lets take example of RCC Column, where reinforcement required is 2 % of concrete volume, weight of steel required will be:
(2/100*1)*7850 (steel density )-per m3 steel-157 kg
Is This Answer Correct ? | 77 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / karthi
for columns 2-3%
for slabs 0.5-1.5%
for beams 1-1.5%
for piles 2-5%..
Please Explain.....?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 48 Yes | 17 No |
Answer / ram punnam
For Footing & Pedastral 1-1.5% of Volume of Concrete
For Columns 2-2.5% of Volume of Concrete
For plinth beam 1.5%-2% of Volume of Concrete
For Roof Beam 2-2.5% of Volume of Concrete
For roof slab 1-1.5% of Volume of Concrete
For RCC Road 0.5-1% of Volume of Concrete
Is This Answer Correct ? | 26 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / utpal panchal
Required steel in concrete is Depend on Types on concreting different structure
For Example,
R.c.c Slab = 0.5 to 1 % steel Required in volume of concrete
R.c.c Beam = 1.8 to 2% % steel Required in volume of concrete
R.c.c column = 2.5 % % steel Required in volume of concrete
R.c.c Road = 0.6 % % steel Required in volume of concrete
(1) Here take Column 1 m3 concrete volume calculation is
(2.5 x 1/100) x 7850 =196.25 kg steel Required
(2) Here take Column 6.90 m3 concrete volume calculation is
( 2.5 x 6.90 /100) x 7850 =1354.12 kg steel Required
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / faisal
100kg per mt3
That gives for slab 4 inches about 100sq ft would require 1 quintal..only a thumb rule ...exact depends on design
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / fahad
4.5 kg per sqft for max 7 floors resistance bldg
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 7 No |
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