why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any
other ?
how does a ship floats?

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why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / mr. sachin lotan borse

1)Moment of Inertia of 'I' cross section is geater than that
of same cross sectional area rectangular area. Hence it will
not bend for load it bends with rectangular section
2)Ship floats because of Buoyancy force. When body is placed
in liquid force acts on it in upward direction called as
Buoyancy force. Value of this force is equal to weight of
liquid displaced by body submerged in fluid. Any body will
able to float in fluid if mass of body is less than mass of
fluid displaced by body if totally immersed in fluid.

Is This Answer Correct ?    157 Yes 8 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / guest

well, an I section has maximum mass distributed away from
its nuetral axis and according to theory of bending,
greater is the distribution of the mass away from nuetral
axis more stronger is the member as it can take greater

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 11 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / ashween

ship floats due to bouyancy

Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 3 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / aravindan.s

I-sections are having high section modulus value.
section modulus=(moment of inertia about the neutral
axis)/(distance between neutral axis and topmost layer of
the beam)
This section modulus value is greater for I-section beam.
according to nature of bending stress, inensity of stress is
maximum at top and bottom layer of beam. the stress is zero
at neutral axis.Due to this nature of bending stress, at top
and bottom part of I-beams are provided with wider flange
and a thin web at centre part.so less amount of material is
enough to made i_beams to withstand more bending and shear
stress than any other beams.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 5 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / jagan

1) I- section is said to be stronger because Moment of
inertia is greater than that of the rectangular cross section.

2) Ship float if the mass of the body is less than the mass
of the fluid displaced by the body when it is immersed into
it. Its based on Newton's third law. Normally Ship floats
due to Buoyance force. According to Newtons III Law,
Buoyance force will be equal to the mass of the body.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 6 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / guest

definitely I section is strong compared to all other sections.
here there are two points
moment of inertia is categorized into three types
mass moment of inertia
area moment of inertia
polar moment of inertia

beams are generally used to resist the bending moment of
structure.when beams are used area moment of inertia is applied.
in beams we mainly see the maximum bending moment,section
modulus ,weight.by that we judge the strength of a section.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / kschari

Yes 'I 'sections are having more moment of inertia( second moment of inertia),hence bending movement is more .That is why 'I' sections are more stronger than rectangular sections which are having equal area of cross section. Here important point is area of cross-section. If we take two beams of one I section and the other rectangular section of same height and same width , the rectangular section is stronger because the area of cross section is more but the weight(which increase cost) is also more,Hence it should be clear the 'I'sections are stronger compared to other sections which are having same height , width and area of material cross section. This is because of moment of inertia=b*h*h*h/12.

Although ships are made of materials that are much denser than water, the density of a ship itself is its total weight (including, cargo, bunkers, stores, crew, etc.) divided by the external volume of the hull. This means that the hull must have an external volume that is big enough to give the whole ship a density that is just less than that of the water in which it floats. Ships are therefore designed to achieve that. Much of the interior of a ship is air (compared with a bar of steel, which is solid), so the average density, taking into account the combination of the steel, other materials and the air, can become less than the average density of water.
That is why the ship floats in the see. this is nothing but buoyance principle i.e the weight of the water displaced by the ship should be more than the weight of the ship

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / harshit

You know that friends M/I=f/y,
I section is having the maximum moment of inertia(I) and so
for an equal amount of bending moment(M) it is less
so comparitvely with other section it can with stand a more
amount og Bending Moment.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / ryan cardozo

the amount of water displaced by a ship is equal to the
weight of the ship as a result of which ship floats. this
principle is based on archimedes principle

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 6 No

why I-sections are considered to be stronger one than any other ? how does a ship floats? ..

Answer / sudheer kumar

as I section having more section modulus,because of more M.I, as section modulus is defined as Z=I/Y

ship floats due to buoyancy force acting on it, which is equal to volume displaced of water equal to wt. of ship.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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