Human Resources Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is agenda of hr ?

2 4983

what r the steps in operation management


what is management in one sentence

11 17042

How to Calculate costs associated with bad recruitment?


How to Reduce short term attrition substantially by conducting motives and self image analysis?


please mention the latest trends and tools in recruitment process?

1 4394

How to prepare the Use behavioral indicators and BARS based rating scales?


How to find the positive perceptions among candidates about the company?

1 3561

How to use the quan comm. And iceberg models during interviewing?

1 8205

why do you want to do hr job, where you have done your gradutation in marketing?

1 3944

wheather strengths are present in resume or not if present then y not weakness

5 7126

why you want to join recruitment why not any other field of HR?

2 8658

what is the difference between salary & wages

7 8806

what screening and selectin methods are available and which ones are most accurate? explain.

2 4103

hi, im doing my mba(it) in hr. after completing this what job will suit for me

2 3977

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about hrd


If 2,00000 amount is given and make it share to 55 employees as per pf? anyone give me a detailed explantion based on this type of questions..Thanqu Preethi


what is the need of stress in organisations to the employees???


Where does Recruitment end and Selection begin?


Aside from the requiement to be reasonable and fair, what action should an employer take when faced with a redundancy situation to alleviate this?


what do you mean by hiring process


What is Procedure to remitt provident fund and Employees State Insurance ? When and where to remitt? mention in detail.


What type of compesation and rewards available in most of the organisations? and how to improve it?


i am an mba with specialization in hr i want to make a career in tanning .what should i do for that?is ther any other coures which i should do.


Is wheather system administration is related to human resource . what is meant by HRIS, because in my current company i am working as system administor, but my job titile refers me as HR management and admin specialist. i need a clear clarity because i completed my MSW in "HRM".. i am really in a confused state


i want to do sap course as i am fresher(mba hr) is it usefull to do sap hr without experience


what control mechanisms might be most appropriate to ensure that action plans match targeted needs?


interview questions and answers for hr trainee position


How to Reduce short term attrition substantially by conducting motives and self image analysis?


Hi , I am a graduated in science at the year of 2006 & have started my professional career from that year as an HR personnel and still working. I have also got a bit of sales experiences in between this. Currently I am doing PGD in HRM from ICFAI & has done a Management Development Programme from IIM(Indian Institute of Management). My questions are 1) Am I moving in right direction towards my career ? 2)Will it be necessary to mention my Sales- Experience in my resume(as it was about 1yr.) , 3)What kind of job I can apply after finishing my PGD ?