Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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why the LED of my electrical meter glows even after the line has gone. what actually the reason?

3 4917

What is the high tension lines voltage and low tension lines voltage?33 kv is high tension line or low tension.


1 7945

why a motor overheated stops to rotate ?????

1 2012

for which possible reasons a motor can fail to start??

CEB, Essar,

4 5369

In Panels Main Incomer considered should be TPN or FP?

2 4527

Why 5kv megger used to megger 6.6kv motor or 33kv transformer why not 500v?

2 7932

Why only plate(copper) Earth pit given for neutral earthing? why not pipe(G.I) Earth pit?

1 4163

what is the diference between the 4pole & 6pole DC Motors & what is advantage 6pole over the 4pole ?


what is the diference between the 4pole & 6pole DC Motors & what is advantage 6pole over the 4pole ?


what is the difference between 4pole & 6pole DC Motors & give advantage ?


what is difference between fuse and circuit breaker?

4 6543

what happend if the protection ct is by mistake put instead of measuring ct & vice versa?

2 3410

what is the difference between normal motor and flame proof motor??

PI Industries, SRF,

1 30550

Is LV shorted in magnettic balance test?If yes why?


2 4361

what is the lightning arrester rating for 3.3kv system voltage

1 4139

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

if main CT is of ratio 50/5, and meter CT is -/5 what will be overall multiplying factor of meter.PT is 11000/110 .


What happens if the series current double?


how can check the resistance of battery contact?


Why wind turbines wheels rotate constantly


what is meant by LCR meter? where its useful ?


how to calculate the earth mat design in 132 kv substation yard ????


what are factors to be consider in electrical installation like load factor,diversity factor .....


How to calculate the efficiency of Turbo Generator(Alternator) in general....?


How to select batteries required for ups and the inverter if we Known load? And how AH is selected of battery?


How does a digital electronic meter work??????


Inverter. converter. Ups.MCB.solar.alternators. motors.


why we take movement of rotor always in counter-clockwise direction in 3-phase induction motors?


What is Servo Ventilated Motor?


list the advantages of RCCB over other circuit breakers?


If i have two 3000 kW motors and the whole facility requires a 10 MVA transformer. What would be better installing two 5 MVA transformers(one for 1 motor ) or just a single 10 MVA transformer for both of them. Give reasons for your answer.