what happend if the protection ct is by mistake put instead
of measuring ct & vice versa?

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what happend if the protection ct is by mistake put instead of measuring ct & vice versa?..

Answer / kajanijam

If we use protection CT for metering purpose,its core has high saturation point.if any fault occurs, the core is not saturated.so it will damage the meters connected to CT secondary
and if we use metering CT for protection purpose,its core has low saturation point,so CT core saturated low value of current,so relay will be inoperative

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what happend if the protection ct is by mistake put instead of measuring ct & vice versa?..

Answer / sujeet pandey

Measuring CT needs to be very precise so its coil are better
quality than the protection CT. In case of wrong
connection,there will wrong reflection of primary current
which is not desirable.

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