Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

One Raw material failed assay test is there any chance for failing purity of that material ?


7 12111

What are the differences between GC and HPLC?

1 14438

Why do we need GC instead of HPLC? or Why do we need HPLC instead of GC?

4 11783

What is linearity in HPLC and how will you test?

1 19021

what is the difference between polarimeter lamp and ir lamp


What is the difference of time between two consecutive injections in HPLC?

Nectar Lifesciences,

2 9905

what is difference between IR lamp and polarimeter lamp

Raks Pharma,

2 8840

Why dissolution test is not performed in all of the products

Biocon, SDD,


why we need to do karl ficher fector ?


2 11438

Why we are use 0.005M Sulphuric acid, in control of absorbance performance test UV Spectrophotometer calibration

Cipla, Reddy Labs,

2 15255

How much sample concentration should i inject against diluted standard in related substances for drug product in hplc analysis


1 3816

how to prepare 25 ppm acetone. explian with formula

4 16451

why sucrose not used in polarimeter calibration?


2 9811

What is the diffeence between assay and uniformity of content

2 9120

why ur using toulene in hexane in u.v calibration?, Cipla,

3 28597

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

For limit test of heavy metals in BP, Method C require that the substance is ignited at a temperature not exceeding 800 °C. Why confines such the temperature?


if you given one product then which tests you will perform?


What is the purpose of octyl silane columns?


How do we get end points and how many end points are possible for citric acid and di-acid not theorotically answer should be given practically.


4. Describe the operation of the Craig apparatus. Chapter.3 Equilibrium Processes in Separations


in which situation ion pair agent require to use?


In which situation we require to prepare the standard solution from sample in Related substance method?


why glutent are detected in the rice cereal baby food product even manufacturer claimed that they are using rice and milk only?we have using ELISA to do the test,and rice supposed not containing any glutent,rite?We already repeat the test so many times and it still detected.just wondering where the glutent came from?


what is the difference between potentiometric titration and karl fischer titration?


what is mean by peak intigrity?


What is the principle of HPLC, GC, LCMS, GCMS,LC QQQ, GC QQQ, LC Q TOF and GC Q TOF. What are the applications and Specificity?


all types of questions asked at the cipla interview


what is the purge flow & how to calculate


How can we calculate "confidence interval" in analytical method validation? Pl. explain with example.


which batch require to use for analytical method validation?