Software Interview Questions
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How do i check which nfs version I am using ????????

CybAge, IBM,

9 31535

Hi All, I wanted know how does QTP identifies a DataCombo. While recording I clicked on the data combo and selected a value from the list. The click of Data Combo is recorded but the selection of the value from the list is not recorded. My application is based on VB and SQL server as the database. Please let me know as how do I record the action of selecting a value from a DataCombo list. The list is being loaded from the Database Record set.


a step by step procedure on the action in testing and verifying of results is called a


3 9757

when a new testing tool is puchased it should be used first by

1 2948

I am new to jsf rich faces. I am using rich faces datatable rich:datatable. On entering the value, values get filtered in table. Now how can i get the value i selected in backing bean?

Hexaware, IBM,

1 6927

How we map test cases with the requirement in Quality Center plzzz give the procedure step by step

2 15833

how we map defect with test cases in Quality center

3 18917

how to change nic card from half duplex to full duplex?


1 7585

can we access main() using objects?


1 3447

what does static void Main(string[] args) in C# mean????????


5 35711

I would like to submit the following question I was asked recently during my technical interview at Google. I'm rephrasing the question to make it clear for everyone to understand: - You are going on a one-way flight trip that includes billions of layovers. - You have 1 ticket for each part of your trip (i.e: if your trip is from city A to city C with a layover in city B, then you will have 1 flight ticket from city A to city B, and 1 flight ticket from city B to city C. - Each layover is unique. You are not stopping twice in the same city. - You forgot the original departure city. - You forgot the final destination city. - All the tickets you have are randomly sorted. Question are: - Design an algorithm to reconstruct your trip with minimum complexity. - How would you improve your algorithm. Example: - randomly sorted: New York->London San Francisco-> Hong Kong Paris->New York London->San Francisco - sorted: Paris->New York New York->London London->San Francisco San Francisco-> Hong Kong


3 5362

What is the difference between local table and global table

CarrizalSoft Technologies, Polaris,

1 6685

What is RAM memory? and What is ROM?Who designed one is temparary and another is permanent?why they designed like that?By using far pointer which type data(whether hexadecimal)we can access?


1 4511

How to make stock type as Blocked stock by default in PO.

4 17936

What are the languages are portable and platform independent?Why they are like that?

Excel, Satyam,

1 3499

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is the purpose of the main method?


What do you like most about Quality Assurance/Testing?


How do I auto resize cells in excel?


Explain how to reverse singly link list.


How do you flip the axis in excel?


What is an task and how do you assign?


If you see a pin hit ratio of less than 0.8 in the estat library cache report is this a problem? If so, how do you fix it?


How to create a function in javascript?


How is forward action used for integration?


How dts is used to extract, transform and consolidate data?


What sql server means?


Explain what are single and multiple inheritances in c++?


How to get help for apache web server if one thing fallacious?


What is injector in angularjs?


Explain some jsp life-cycle methods that can be overridden.