which is more efficient, level 77 or 01?
Discuss record management in vsam?
Is it rquired any server for Ibm framework? Give me list of Ibm framework & recent version IBm framework?
Can you define aica abend?
Is db2 relational database?
how you will the direct the data to spool using sysout option?
what is the role of the cursor in db2?
We can allocate memory dynamically by using GET MAIN command my question is at what scenario we can't release this memory and reuse this same memory??
Please tell me how to read the records from a file with load an array of size with error conditions(The logic answer for this question is ARR is array of 99 elements Z-ADD 0 IDX *LOVAL SETLL FILE READ FILE 99 *IN99 DOWEQ *OFF IDX ANDLT 99 ADD 1 IDX MOVE FIELD ARR,IDX READ FILE 99 ENDDO).So,Please give me the complete of this code.
What is difference between alias and synonym in db2?
Does jcl support automatic restart?
What is sort? And its syntax?
what is the purpose of dynslt keyword?
What is host variable?
What is a record lock error?