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Hexaware Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Howmany address lines are required to addressing 1 MB memory?

8 27740

What is inheritance?

5 6884

how the master data is read?


What is the real difference between arrays and pointers?

27 59451

How do you define a table/array in COBOL?

5 29558

what are the forced views

6 23703

What is MVC Architecture?

21 94142

what is Scheduling?

3 7717

what format do u follow in ur company to make a test repot? test report format.

4 12148

Tell me about your dream job.

6 16026

Hexaware placement papers --------- placement paper 1

6 16233

Which semiconductor device is used as a voltage regulator and why?

11 45596

is this possible to create an array of 0 length? if so how? if not so why? coz we have an array in main() likw this "static void main(String [] s) then what it signifies?

3 17139

Is it possible to write static method in abstract class? justyfy your answer?

5 13839

what is the difference between HashMap And HashTable?

5 11294

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Hexaware Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain linq lambda expression with example?


what is git fork? What is difference between fork and branch? How to create tag?


what are instance sizes of azure?


How to set the site name in Joomla?


How can we communicate as realistic a picture as possible of a job and of the organization to prospective employees? What kinds of issues are most crucial to them?


Mention the lifecycle method in ui5 view controller?


What does sed command do in unix?


Explain about dosage and route of administration, which make a substance antigenic?


how to increasing the numbers in a given text box please write a vb script


What is spool?


how calculate intrest on advance tax ? and penalty on vat?


Are you an extrovert or an introvert?


What is the quality audit?


Which property is used to set the line style for the outline?


What are the three ways to skin a component?