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CybAge Interview Questions
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what you consider in security testing particularly in web applications?

5 10673

Interviewer asked me to write down the critical bugs in my career.i am working for the past 18 months in the banking domain. my answer didn't satisfied the interviewer,can any one help me to find out the critical bugs that may occur while working in banking domain?

9 42602

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop in the same n/w, now how the DHCP is going to assign a IP add. to it and how it will came to know that there's one new machine added.

13 20437

Suppose by navigation I went from 1 st page to 5 page ,so Write a generic script for coming from any page to the 1st page and by executing where the page may be it will come to 1st page

1 5199

what is the DIFF between Image and Picture box controls

3 15488

Define Brain Stromming and Cause Effect Graphing? With Eg?

3 8872

Test Track Pro. Defect report formate? what r the attibutes?

1 5636

what is the difference between Servlet and JSP?Advantage of JSP over Servelt?Any concept present in JSP which we cant implement in Servlet?

31 136834

what is mean by 32 and 64 bit appplication

6 14823

what are the differnt file system in windows / plz give description

8 12576

differnt type of port number and theire uses?

9 54583

Why did you not come with your husband for the interview?

4 11611

what are the different types of SDLC?

37 168420

What is WSDL and disco file ?

3 38851

I would like to know all the details about oracle certification on different levels.

16 92018

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the use of infopath forms?


write a C++ program for booking using constructor and destructor.


can anyone help me in getting unix on manual testing i.e can u forward material & web sites to my mail id ( to understand how the work flow working on manual testing on unix and the contents.plzzzzzzzz help me its urgent.


What impacts will the Internet of Things (IoT) have?


Why is scala faster than java? Explain


Do you own your content on wordpress?


Explain how to register a middleware in laravel?


Explain the scope for women entrepreneurs in India.


What is downcasting?


What is trip and closing coil in cb? Why need of them


What do you know about the requirements of this job?


What is collision in data structure?


What are the dynapro keywords?


Do you think Management plays any role when it comes to selecting the right RPA tool?


What is purpose of keyword void?