Software Interview Questions
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how can we create a webpage in .Net



difference between html and asp?



How to insert snapshot during manual scripting in QTP?

1 2467

which property is used to display the advertisements with adrotator control



what is dynamic polymorphism?


2 4452

what are partial classes. Where is the entry point of partial classes.


1 3417

There is a table which contains all the employee details, unfortunately there is mistake occured while entering the data. ex: ------------------------------- empid empname gender address ------------------------------- 1 abcd f address1 2 defg m address2 3 ghth m address3 4 jkil f address4 write a update query that will change gender 'm' to 'f' and 'f' to 'm'

2 4681

Why have you selected IT as you field of interest?

T3 Softwares,

2 10586

How Independent are you in taking your own discussions?

T3 Softwares,


Where can i find the sample ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE programs????? plz tell me the site or forum......anything which can have the sample codes/programs of assembly language????


5 12722

1. define Database testing ? 2. define severity and priority and types with example?


2 10508

which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?

6 15973

Is it recommendable to start working with process areas at CMMI-level 4 before attaining all levels at level 3?


plssssss help !!....using array.. turbo c.. create a program that will accept number of words to be consored. .a word must not exceed 10 characters long .the text to be entered will be no longer than 200 characters .there will be no 10 words example: enter number of words to be censor: 5 enter words to censor: windows office microsoft bill gates enter text to censor: bill gates founded microsoft and makes office and windows sample output: founded and makes and

1 5129

number 2 plssssss help !!....using array.. turbo c.. create a program that will accept a number and determine if it is a happy number or an unhappy number.. example: enter a number : 7 7*7=49 then 4 and 9 4*4 and 9*9== 16 + 18 gives you 97 then 9 and 7 9*9 and 7*7 == 81 + 49 gives you 130 then 1 and 3 1*1 and 3*3 == 1 + 9 gives you 10 1*1 gives you 1 sample output: 7= 49= 16+81= 97= 81+49=130 =1+9=10 =1 "7 is a happy number" . if the last number is 2 then the number being inputed is not a happy number.

3 6116

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are custom meta tags?


What is your work process?


Write a sql query to sort on different column name according to the parameters passed in the function?


Give some examples for functional & regression test tools?


What do you understand by mail aliases?


What are child actions in ASP.Net MVC?


Give some examples of priority – severity defect levels.


Differentiate between linq and stored procedure?


What is memory table in mysql?


How can we find the current value for shell variables?


What are the system predefined user roles?


What will cause to the backups and db snapshots if a user deletes the db instance?


How to redirect https to http url and vice versa in .htaccess?


What is difference between prototype and request scope spring?


What is internal command?