Consider if there is no Test lead, No Test Manager and QA Manager. If you are the senior test engineer, you are getting pressure from the client to give the build. But you see that, there r 5 high and 5 low sevierity bugs. So, what you will do and how you interact with the client.
14 20623What is the main difference between a UNION statement and a UNION ALL statement? 1. A UNION statement eliminates duplicate rows; a UNION ALL statement includes duplicate rows. 2. A UNION statement can be used to combine any number of queries; a UNION ALL statement can be used to combine a maximum of two queries. 3. A UNION statement can only combine queries that have parallel fields in the SELECT list; a UNION ALL statement can combine queries with differing SELECT list structures. 4. A UNION statement cannot be used with aggregate functions; a UNION ALL statement can be used with aggregate functions. 5. There is no difference between the two statements; they are interchangeable.
2 80071 SELECT a.field1, b.field2, c.field3, d.field4 2 FROM atable a, atable b, ctable c, dtable d 3 ? 4 ORDER BY 1 What is the minimum number of joins that must be specified on line 3 in the sample code above to properly link the tables? Notice that the table "atable" is aliased twice: once as "a" and once as "b." 1. One join 2. Two joins 3. Three joins 4. Four joins 5. Five joins
6 9140SELECT flavor, SUM (ice_cream_sales) FROM sales_detail GROUP BY flavor ORDER BY 2 DESC If the "sales_detail" table contains ten records with different values in the flavor column (two "vanilla," three "chocolate," four "strawberry," and one NULL), how many rows are returned by the sample code above? 1. 0 rows 2. 1 row 3. 3 rows 4. 4 rows 5. 10 rows
8 11020Which one of the following is a reason that an INSERT statement might cause an error instead of executing correctly? 1. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view that was created from more than one table. 2. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record using a combination of constants and values from an existing table. 3. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record with a non-NULL value into a table that has that column defined as NULL. 4. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a table by selecting a record from that same table. 5. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view rather than a table.
1 6126If I do not check any of the add-ins that pops up initially, for which type of application can I do scripting?
2 4484Post New Sonata Interview Questions
What are storage attributes of records?
Explain what relationship is between a process, application domain, and application?
What is mean by web application?
Explain model in rails?
How do I know if my outlook is up to date?
What is hr and br in html?
what user controls are and what server controls are and the differences between the two.
What is interpolation and extrapolation?
Explain how message is fully processed in apache storm?
Do you know how to submit claims to a clearinghouse? Have you ever set up a provider with a clearinghouse or resolved claim submittal issues with them? : insurance health
What is android 8.1 called?
Explain me what is file structure in wordpress?
How Advances to suppliers for purchase of raw materials is to be considered while calculating Drawing Power
When was the second and third experimental explosion conducted?
What is the difference between sql and isql*plus?