Hi,I am new to software testing. My question is, What can be the possible test cases one can write for a chair
6 9977Need Browser compatibility checklist? If any of you are having any doc or checklist on the same please share it with me.
5 14172Can a REDEFINES clause be used along with an OCCURS clause? if yes, 01 WS-TABLE. 03 WS-TABLE-EL OCCURS 5 TIMES PIC X(1) VALUE 'A'. 03 WS-EX REDEFINES WS-TABLE-EL PIC X(5). What can you expect? if no,why?
6 18831Is this allowed? 01 WS-TABLE. 03 FILLER-X PIC X(5) VALUE 'AAAAA'. 03 WS-EX REDEFINES FILLER-X OCCURS 5 TIMES PIC X(1). can redefines clause be used with occurs clause?
4 9645how to maintain the session state? what is Abstract class and interface and inheritence with example?
2 5598
What is SQL Tuning Advisor in Oracle?
code for "For every 5days system has to create 1text file with the corresponding date and it has to store in c-drive" by using web applications
How DAG functions in Spark?
How to set an array in linux?
What is the method to start flow using activity?
What do you mean by flat file database?
mention the three important tags used in the development of jsp bean.
What is the simpletimezone class in java programming?
i want to implement grid view value in paypal site. so how to create this code in asp.net with C#
Reduction of scrap increases profitability?
What is purpose of IsWrapped property in Message Contract in WCF?
How do I open the console window?
What re interop services?
What is meant by vanilla javascript?
What is an async pipe?