Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is difference between inetd and xinetd

2 21794

what restrict telnet for root itself but allow for other user


3 9848

how u use the iptable firewall to restrict ssh,telnet,ftp

9 19369

how many ways are there to copy test cases in test director


may i know the sites which r giving model question papers for istqb exam

2 4094

What is the difference between nodup and nodupkey options?

iFlex, Makro, Talwar,

20 74480

How will you assign all the variables of an dataset into a macro variable separated by a space? For example if a dataset has variables A,B,C. Assign them to a macro variable X as X=A B C

Accenture, Oracle,

3 9428

what is difference between report defect and track defect

5 8683

Is there any pdf or online book for QTP Scripting? Let me know more about QTP Scripting.


what is database testing


8 9370

what are the different types of browser compatability u will test ?

ControlNet, FIC, First Indian Corporation,

7 13307

How to pass return codes from cobol to jcl?

5 19857

What is the Automation Process followed in your company?

1 5032

write a querry .if 10 records in a table.i want only 1 record and 3 reocrd and 10 record. how to write a querry.


2 4818

what is diff between stress testing and spike testing

4 20604

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

what is the significance of static storage class specifier?


How to use find() and findall () in yii2?


Sally is a project manager working on the Resource Planning process. She should consider all of the following when developing the resource requirements output except: A. WBS B. Supply purchase policies C. Resource rates D. Special knowledge and talents


What is the default workspace?


What is mini chart?


Explain use of abstract and sealed classes in c#?


What are child actions in mvc?


Is django faster than rails?


What are the basic parts of a windows desktop?


What is data structure in swift?


Which is the reliable channel in Flume to ensure that there is no data loss?


List out different stream grouping in apache storm?


What is bean in spring with example?


Is html back end?


i am writing a query select EmpNo from Emp how can i call in after parameter form