Software Interview Questions
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If there are Senders who are sending messages on a queue. And these messages are not yet received by the consumers. They are still lying in the server. But before the consumers could receive the message the server went down. Since they are persistent messages, they are saved. But when secondary comes up how will the secondary server will get the message because it’s a different machine. How will it get the messages which are with the Primary server?


What expected result should come when Enter any sql query like “Select * from hello;” without quotes and with quotes.


give me fico material in ramesh institute



how to open & closing opening period in fico



What is import and include in schema in tibco bw?



What is target namespace and taget prefix?



Explain Client and EXplicit Client dupsOK Acknowledge modes in jms?



Suppose u have ordered for 1000 pcs and u kept tolerances in mtrl as higher limit 10% and lower limit to 10%. By mistake vendor sent you 1200 pcs it won't allow to post post graduate.but you can't reject it as it is necessary for production ryt now..How to solve this.explain

1 2972

Describe the shipping process for a cosignment of cargo loaded in continental Europe


What is CIN? ? How many types there in CIN explain some one

1 1947

I have a file .In that file i have 3 fields. Those fields are eno, ename, esal.Keyfield is eno. In that file i have data like this for eno 1,2,3,4,5. Now i need to display 2nd record. That means i need to set the pointer on 2nd record... Then, write the complete rpg program using setll.

1 3013

Difference between hr_infotype_operation and hr_maintain_masterdata



If the job aborted in a sequencer, how can we start that from the previews successful job.

SLK Software,

1 2668

A server configuration is controlled from a single web page with multiple options: ● 20 drop-down menus, with 3-4 options each. ● 5 check-boxes. ● 1 multi-select menu, with 5 options. ● 1 template selection, with 6 options: A, B, C, D, E, F. ○ When options A, B, C, D are selected, all options (#1-#3) above are available. ○ When options E, F are selected, only 10 out of 20 drop-down menus have an effect. ● Besides item #4, developers input is that all options are independent, I.e., not impacting each other. What is the required number of test configurations required in order to test the server configuration and release in good quality: a) Assuming first release. b) Assuming regression tests for release with new features not impacted by the above options. Test configuration is a complete set of options that were selected to be tested in one complete server configuration scenario. I.e, a test configuration is set of 17 or 27 specific options tested together.

Mind Tree,


when we applying SAP add-on (while in processing) where we have to check the log file for that implementation?

1 1532

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What kind of person would you like to work with?


What is the business process of excise tax and how do you relate that in sap?


What you can store, manage and reuse centrally in ab initio enterprise meta>environment (eme)?


Provide some instances where you have "xmlns:x" namespace in xaml?


What does the on update no action do?


What can an ip address tell me?


What is default session time and path in php?


Can android lollipop be upgraded to marshmallow?


Explain dll hell?


Is android the most popular os?


How do I get to the start menu?


Explain the organizer advantages of blackberry technology?


Explain differences between new() and delete()?


How would you include common or reuse to be processed along with your statements?


What are the new features in java 8?