Software Interview Questions
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Can a Requisition be amended?

1 2282

At what stage an order can not be cancelled?

2 2775

Can you update the sales order once it is booked?

2 2665

how to insert header after each group.


1 2260

What is difference between Sanity Testing & smoke Testing?

1 2138

5. Consider the following products data which contain duplicate rows. A B C C B D B Q1. Design a mapping to load all unique products in one table and the duplicate rows in another table. The first table should contain the following output A D The second target should contain the following output B B B C C


Which is the best place to learn Loadrunner performance testing in hyderabad ?


How to convert a row into column and a column into rows? Name all DTM threads. What all threads stop when we issue STOP or ABORT? How to pass the value of a data(variable kind of) from one session ( generated in mapping) to another session in the same workflow... What are the tyoes of partitioning you know and how to apply them in real time ... Can partitioning be applied to expression transformation and how



What happen if you have 3 ports in SQ and 4 ports in SQL override of SQ( provided all ports are in same order and they are connected with proper source and target)? Also what happens when I have 4 ports and will extract 3 values in SQloverride.. What will be the value in 4th port ?



how lookup transformation is made active in new versions... When to use connected and when to use unconnected lookup and why? which is good for session performance. How to make lookup persistent and how to remove stale data from that lookup. how commit works - when we stop or abort data. Explain in both cases. What is factless fact table and have you ever used it in real time scenarios.



I have 10 columns in a flat file and 10 rows corresponding to that columns. I want column number 5 and 6 for last five records. In unix as well as informtica.



What if i will group by with some port in aggregator and will not pass the sorted values. Will the session fails tell in both cases ( if i have configured it for sorted input and if i have not configured it for sorted input).


1 1565

hello there, can anyone tell me what type of question does lg soft company ask in written test especially for a quant part? Thanku

LG Soft,


What is Year shift displacement in SAP FICO

Cap Gemini,

2 7812

What will be happen if i load object repository at run time, but it has already associated.

NTT Data,


Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are the configuration options available ?


Is null function in excel?


How do I change the default font in excel 2016?


What is range() in python?


Which command is available to show the current HBase user?


Explain the insert into statements in sql?


What is impure pipe in angular?


State the difference between Real DOM and Virtual DOM?


How to convert a date to char in oracle? Give one example.


Which edition of java is used for web application?


Difference between Target-based loading and constraint-based loading?


What is the default mode of view in ms powerpoint?


How to get to know the version of ember?


How do you introduce yourself in a presentation?


Compare Mutex and Semaphore in java.