Software Interview Questions
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When I test my component interface, why do I get a "Not Authorized" error?

1 3272

Why does my component interface not have a Create method?

1 2230

My PeopleCode didn't copy any data to a collection. Why not?

1 2026

My PeopleCode didn't update the value of a field. Why not?

1 2018

The same field is in different scrolls but they do not have the same value

1 2041

How to test Snapchat


1.can we generate our own customizing request number (ex-wsre255635).? 2.if any case we will possible to delete customizing request number?

1 2782

In SDI how many view's are attached to document object and in MDI how many view's are attached to Document object?


2 4287

Which is used to compressed gasses to drive (power) the robot ?


Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI? a) PROLOG b) Java c) LISP d) Perl e) Java script

1 5507

a) PROLOG b) Java c) LISP d) Perl e) Java script

1 2342

Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application. (Mark all that apply) a) Planning and Scheduling b) Game Playing c) Diagnosis d) Robotics e) All of the above

1 8031

Agents behavior can be best described by a) Perception sequence b) Agent function c) Sensors and Actuators d) Environment in which agent is performing

1 9610

Rational agent is the one who always does the right thing. State true or false a) True b) False


Performance Measures are fixed for all agents. State true or false a) True b) False

1 4281

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

what do next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link() do?


What is required technological drivers in data mining?


Can you do pivot tables in excel?


How to fetch ULS logs for Correlation ID in SharePoint online?


What is a layout in powerpoint?


What are the features of ember.js?


When it is appropriate to change physical description?


What do you know about merkle trees in blockchain?


What is the use of modules in dojo?


How you are developing the script? Using record and play back or manual?


what are the predefined entities in XML ?


How do I find mysql database?


What is microsoft access made up of?


Ellaborate viper architecture?


When did css 3 come out?