Software Interview Questions
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What are the Levels of Automation in QTP

2 4129

While creating delivery with reference to order then i can't able to post goods issue getting error message: "Update control of movement type is incorrect entry 561 XX_L".... I got the answer: Mainly in standard settings there is movt type 601 for this purpose. And movt type 561 is mainly for initial stock upload. don't use this movt type for your requirement, if still if we want to use same then we can do this by changing this error to warning & proceed. so how to change the error message to warning...?

3 5709

When a bug posted by QA is rejected by Dev and Dev says is not a bug. How to convince Dev that it is a valid bug?


11 18144

Ms dos provide no means of concurrent processing.three complication that concurrent processing adds to an operating system? ?

1 6894

did interface can implementation method ? i know its not possible but my interviewer said its possible ..but how..? any one have idea ???


7 9433

how to make the double-tone class ? as we have singletone class..?

IBM, Microsoft,

1 4391

why constructor dont have returns type?


9 12259

is JVM platform dependent or independent..?

IBM, Tech Mahindra,

11 38123

how JSP can extend servlet or interface ...?


3 13779

what is the full form of c language

Satyam, TCS, VNC,

9 29417

name the vsam file in which the deletion is not possible.

1 4173

If i have a variable A pic 9(2) value 10 Compute A = a - 100 what will be the value of A and will there be any error becoz of the Negative value


3 8174

How to find the mouse entering an image?..while entering need to display next image...

4 6935

1.what is nomenclature of your company? 2.what is sand box?


1 2630

Hi all... I finished BCA. Now, iam in testing team but i would like to work in developing team. Will u pls suggest me, which course can i study to enter into developing team????


1 3204

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Explain superior keys and candidate keys. How are they different?


What is target html?


What is replace and stuff function in sql server?


Do loops c#?


Which formula represents how ad rank is determined on google search?


What is the process to update Managed solution?


who is a protected class-level variable available to?


What is freehand sql?


Sql technical questions


How do you hide columns in excel with a sign?


what is pool waiting time prameters?


What is the basic difference in wip calculation in product cost by order and product cost by period (repetitive manufacturing)?


Difference between ng-bind and ng-model directive.


How can I use word for free?


How to Move a control at runtime with the mouse?