Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

whose product is x-peditor ?

1 3496

what is copybooks ? structure of copybook and fillers in copybook ? purpose of using copybook ?

Tech Mahindra,

2 34980

tell me about impact analysis ?

IBM, Tech Mahindra,

1 5229

what is the main purpose of using file-aid ?

NIIT, Tech Mahindra,

2 7589

wht is d/f between union and joins ?

2 5199

wht is d/f b/w inner join and outer join ? d/f group by and order by having by ?

2 5571

what is class.forname() and how it will be useful ?

3 4699

Hi Can anyone tell me what is Divergence in Business Object Universe Designer. Thanks, Sheik

1 9032

hi every one, When i am doing PGI in consigment fillup,an error is showing,that is "Deficit of SL Unrestricted use 100ea:730 (mat number)ZPB1(Plant)LS1(storage location). I had mainten special stock in mb1c ie. movement type 561w. and in metarial my basic unit is ea and saleing unit is box and 1 ea.= 1 box. Hope that i can clarify my problem properly. kindly help me out...

4 10722

Set ip address as write a script to replace the 30 with 40 ?

9 18312

Write a program that accepts an array of numbers and a number, and return a string “Yes” if the number is found in the array, “No” if the number is not found in the array.

2 3755

In my application there are 5 modules. In every module there are 8-9 sub-modules. Preview, Print & Download options are there on every sub-module screen. My Question is - Should I have to write that much test cases for Preview, Print & Download options???????? Please reply soon.

2 3997

What's the test suit?? Explain with simple example. If there is User sub-menu & options are New, Edit, Delete (to create, edit & delete user ) then can i say USER Test suit Id-1 for user. Test case id - 1.1 for New, 1.2 for edit, 1.3 for delete.

2 4199

What is the Tcode to process debit and credit memos? How are customer and vendor (dr/cr.) memos are created?

2 19484

how to extract month from given date by using string functions?

3 6104

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Does jquery 2.0 supports ie? : jquery mobile


How to declare an array in php?


Mention different modules in sap?


Explain is there any way to read the ms excel datas directly into informatica? Like is there any possibilities to take excel file as target?


How will you access an element of a perl array?


Can I have html form property without associated getter and setter formbean methods?


What is the use of microprocessors?


Does spark need yarn?


What methodology can be employed to locate substrings inside a string?


Can we return a string in python?


What is called spring configuration file?


How do I run an exe file in visual studio?


What is a sub query? Describe its types?


What is the real life example of polymorphism?


What is AWS Cloud Formation?