Software Interview Questions
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How many fields in passwd, shadow and group files

2 3460

Syntax for useradd commad

4 5230

What is difference between g G while creating useradd?

1 4488

We have edit the /etc/passwd file and modify a user forget to give the shell will user able to loging?

2 4013

How many filed in /etc/vfstab

1 2948

After creating swap file update the same to /etc/vfstab what will be the fstype.

3 3989

How will you clear the soft error on disk

1 5912

How will you verify the disk and how many field will be there.

2 3137

How to modify the user from ragu to haz

3 4386

How will you find out enough memory?

2 3741

What command can be used in running a background process?

2 3771

How will you rectify the root passwd in solaris

1 3164

If the system panic or system not booting

1 3145

Explain /etc/inittab files

2 5959

How will you ad new aliases name

1 3422

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How can I become a good programmer?


What is public, private, protected, internal and internal protected?


What do you understand by product costing in sap controlling? : cost center accounting


Is 1tb a lot of storage?


Please explain package.json file in angular?


How do you describe the correlation of a scatter plot?


Difference between overriding and overloading in java?


How to write testcases for unread/read mails for gamil inbox? and what are the types of testing you do on them?


What is the difference between like and rlike operators in hive?


Why use hibernate framework?


by writing MACRO CODE,i want to retrive data from one spead sheet to another UI (workbook). control will search cell by cell for each row and load the data in another workbook(UI). ex: custdetails custname lastname locaton mobile pincode custdetails raj tony hyd 555555 521245 servcreqrd srvce# srvcename location srvcepincode servcreqrd 754 drilling hyd 521784 for the above example in the another workbook retrive data like this custname Raj srvce# 754 srvcepincode 521784. while retrieving data control will search cell by cell for each row.


Define outer join in sql server joins?


what is rcp,if rcp disabled what happen?


What are android products?


Is there a free version of excel?