Software Interview Questions
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i have to apply for rbi before that i need to know the the syllabus for the entrance questions. whethet it may be aps or techinical


i have to apply for the rbi for the post of officers. i need to know abt the entrance questions whether it may be aps or techinical....



what is the use of Namespace in c++.

3 7142

anybody can send cross site scripting test cases pls...


We are using the searching a table which is indexed, once the key is found, how can we get the occurance at which the key was found.

1 3727

how to convert the .doc docs into .txt format using informatica

4 11150

I have a files containing both duplicate and non-duplicate records.The file is already sorted by a key.I want to determine those records that are duplicate and records that are non-duplicate.If duplicate the record is move to a duplicate file and if non-duplicate that will be move to valid file.thank you

1 4515

I have files that contains both duplicates files(occur more than twice) and non-duplicate files.The file is already sorted by a key.I want to determine those records that are duplicate and will be move to a duplicate file and non- duplicate files to be move to a valid file.thank please

2 5439

Using string statement.Is coding three destination string from one source string possible in one code?or three codes for every destination string of one source string.?thank you


1 2403

can u any one tell me clearly where is stored cache datas?


2 4259

hi, how would i run job1 then job 3 , then job2 in a sequence of job1 ,job2,job3. Thanks sunitha


6 15556

Q) I have a ArrayList object, in that object i have added 5 integer values, 5 float values, 5 string values. Now question is how can delete particular type of data ( i.e all int values or all float values or string values) in that list object at a time?


3 7384

I have a Arraylist object, it has duplecate values also. Now question is i want delete duplecate data in that objet with out using Set?


8 12941

Devise a script that takes file name as arguement(which must present in the current directory)and locates from your home directory tree all thpath names of its links.Then mail the list to self.


What are the similarities between an array and an ArrayList?

3 8770

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Is it possible to create aggregates for cumulative?


What is the default fill factor value?


How to create model file in zend framework?


In sap simple finance, even in case the client never uses the asset accounting, is it mandatory to have a new asset accounting?


What URL do you use for opening BI launch pad?


Does django use sql?


please any one can explain the keyword driven framework. with gmail example.


What are the types of records that are present in the blockchain database?


Subtotals in pricing how do the subtotals that have carry over value kompkzwi1, komp-kzwi2, work with respect to condition types?


How do you implement push with flex data services? : adobe flex action script


What are the different tools available for hot backups in Oracle? Is it preferable to take it manually all the time or it depends on the size of the database?


Explain the 'valuation area' concept in mm?


What can I do at a wi-fi?


Where is the start button on a keyboard?


What is intrusion prevention systems (ips)?