Software Interview Questions
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When i use paramateriztion for tickets in flight reservation application , the tes'll run for first iteration but for the second iteration it'll give this details, but the second iteration is failed. Pls anyone clarify it. Cannot find the "Agent Name:" object's parent "Login" (class Dialog). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.

2 8231

Hello! can anyone explain IN DETAILS what is API??? thank you!

2 4516

What is the difference between Testing and Code review?

4 13218

I was told give socially responsible person reference for qualification and character in offer letter. Which are valid options? Can I give my brothers/friends/managers reference?


1 4546

if you working with any emails why Inbox, outbx, folder all are in left side. why not Right side.

2 4079

who can we do the performace test for hotmail or yahoo or gmail. when you working with your personal system. or labtop.


I hope so many people are using gmail accout. My basic question is the defference between gmail and other mails.

2 4180

What is the base data for drawing Triangle?


6 8423

Can you please anyone explain in detailed Webservices concepts in

1 3330

what is Master pages in what is the advantages and disadvantages?

3 20032

An Excel sheet contains 2rows and 3 columns of data.I want to copy these data in to the another excell sheet. Write the possible positive and negative test cases?



How could you handle the situation when you get the high seveority bug when the application is going to deliver by today night?


5 8401

program to print this triangle * * * * * *


12 21903

Hello Friends, Can anyone please let me know about Performance testing health care EDI ( 270,271, 835 ect). I need as detailed answer as possible. I am going to use LoadRunner for load testing. I would really really really appreciate your help. Thanks, Piyush


sir i am bcom complited,I wanna do sap,Can it help me to boost my career and i have a long gap after graduation. suggest me which ll be the better option andwhich moudle of sap or other option ll support me.after copmlition of sap i wanna do mba in distance.

HCL, State Bank Of India SBI,

3 13609

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Explain the difference between struct and class in terms of access modifier.


How can we register exception filter from the action?


Explain the properties of a form datasource?


Can I upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10 without losing files?


differentiate between two-tier, three-tier and four-tier connections.


What is the command to insert text into the HTML text box using Selenium?


What is an explicit intent?


When do you use​​ “GROUPBY”​​ clause in HANA SQL statements?


Login form located at the home page acepting the name of the customer and its address, credit card and name of the products, a customer wnats to purchase, after the form has been accepted the website will issue order number for knowing the status.


What is ctrl p?


What is microsoft access database?


What is rest parameters functions?


What is python identifiers?


Define client. What is its importance in sap?


Explain the concept of how quicktest professional identifies object?