Software Interview Questions
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what is concept behind incoming payment and outgoing payment?


2 33041

Can anyone tell me is there any cirtification in Testing like we have SUN cirtification in java,if yes then from where i can get it & which institute offer those cirtification & what is he process

3 4091

Is there any website from where i can download bible free in pdf format


How to upload a file (may be a .txt or a .doc file) from a php script/file?

1 3435

what is Constraint? How many types of constraints in SQL ?

HCL, IBM, NIIT, Wipro,

38 79899

if Object repository contain x and y properties. we do not know whether they are mandatory or assistive properties. While executing the script qtp will use both the properties or only sufficient properties to identify the object. It means it use OR (or) AND


8 13784

You have an application version 1 with 5 combo boxes, Developers develop version 2. Here they replaced bottom 3 combo boxes with each other. While executing the Test script for version1 no errors. When we execute the Test script for version2 that QTP showing the error message "Object not identified" remember no property changed in version 2, ordinal identifier also disabled. Find what properties might change here in this scenario


6 8127

i want information about API testing and i want info like how process can be done in company? i want added info like coding ,debugging, desing in c.v ? what should add in c.v for eg banking domin? pls any answer my question?


What are the database testing questions that can be asked in interview . as a fresher and seniore tester. How to identify which particular tests you are going to use to test each module. Define each and every testing with examples and what stage it is to be used. if you take a particular module, all testing types have to be performed or few types. i am a fresher...Testcase is ok. But how to write functional testcase, system testcase etc separately. How we come to know that only this kind of testing should be done for an given application. If it is a functional testing, what all to be tested and if it is performance what all to be tested....can u plz explain me with examples? what is client side and server side validation what are the testing types that are follwed in client /server, web application, and desktop application. i am a fresher .preparing for interview..can u please send me the answers as earlier as possible thanks in advance..Help me out please.......


1.What is mean by Databasse testing ? 2.Defect Life cycle? 3. define compatibility testing with example? 4. define severiority and priority with example and who will give severiority and priority?


1 5362

Can any one tell me for business objects what we need to study means some body tole me that we need DW,ETL,SQL.... is this is necessary..?

2 4426

i would like to say sir right now i have done hard/w networkig course ad doing a job as ATE engineer from CMS computer .Ltd so what r doing for future career ,which course is good ,&where is more opportunity plz tell me detils sir i m dialma??

1 3034

what is the advantage of using SEMAPHORES to ORDINARY VARIABLES???


2 6395

main() { float a=8.8; double b=8.8; if(a==b) printf("Equal"); else printf("not equal"); getch(); } what is the output? with reason


6 9584

My Qualification is MA can I join Testing Tools Course and Which one is the best Institute for Testing in Hyderabad?

2 3853

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is jmx in hybernate?


What is a good example of a transaction in sybase?


What are the different properties of server control that exists?


What is the purpose of templates in c++?


Where you get the run time data table?


Can a trigger make a call to apex callout method?


What are the steps involved in configuring the jms?


How to make SUN server as router in subnetwork?


Can you have more than one nav tag?


What are the different types of assemblers used?


What is Talend job?


What does system out println () do?


What is the use of group by clause?


I have a customer and I have a special agreement with him that he always come to my premise and takes delivery and making by cash. In this case instead of debiting customer you have to debit the cash account. Is this possible ? If so how and why and If not how and why ?


What is the sessionstorage object in html5?