Software Interview Questions
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i want to for technical interview question paper along with in tesrviwe Phases i need


Efficient % is calculated at which level?

1 3349

what types of bugs will we find out in banking projects



what is manual testing process


4 9571

what types of bugs will we find out in banking projects


1 3922

how will we know test cases are written by us are correct


5 11098

Iam trying to write script for Rediffmail Page,in doing so the script line for go button is not accepting. Is their any other way other than . Browser("micClass:=browser").Page("micClass:=Page").Link ("micClasss:=Link","name=go")

2 5489

Explain the difference between Country chart of accounts nd group chart of accounts

6 18921

What is Fuzzy Logic? Where do You implement it?

iGate, T3 Softwares,

3 7296

How are Variables Defined in PHP?

T3 Softwares,

6 8824

Hi All As per the requirements i have to copy the data from word document to excel sheet using the QTP Note : Data in word document is in tabular format i.e there is 80 rows and 5 columns table Can any body provide code for this ? Thanks in advance Regards Test123Test

1 2965

difference between dns in windows2000 & windows2003

4 9380

Hi , i am new to sap sd , i have 2 questions, 1 . When i was trying to create my customer acount i am not getting my pf in under parner tab of sales area data. 2 . When i am using already created pf sp it is showing my pf but it is asking to give reconciliation acount , where to create this acount Can any one please put some focus on thease questions Advance thanks, immediate answer would be appreciated

3 5189

What is Glass Box testing?

9 11837

Hi , when i am trying to create meterial i dont find tax option under sales organisation 1, and in customer master also, Advance thx

3 4942

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What does "i_am_a_dummy flag" do in mysql?


What is difference between il and dll ?


Name some of the file extension for ms access?


How do I show margins in word 2007?


I want to connect to a remote server and execute some commands, how can I achieve this?


What are compare reports? What is the different between *changed and changed in compare report


You are a contract project manager working with the State of Bliss. Your latest project involves rewriting the Department of Revenue's income tax system. As project manager, you have taken all the appropriate actions regarding confidentiality of data. One of the key stakeholders is a huge movie huff, and she has the power to promote you into a better position at the conclusion of this project. She's reviewing some report data that just happens to include confidential information regarding one of her favorite movie superstars. What is the most appropriate response? A. Report her to the management team. B. Request that she immediately return the information, citing conflict of interest and violation of confidential company data. C. Do nothing as she has the proper level of access rights to the data and this information showed up unintentionally. D. Request that she immediately return the information until you can confirm that she has the proper level of access rights to the data.


Why reactjs is used?


What is the default mapping for auto mapping? : biztalk server


Write the steps for setting up an express js application.


What is mvc in cakephp?


In kotlin, can we create an empty array?


Mention some features of java?


Explain the main function of razor in : mvc


Is audio tag supported in html 5?