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* Profession * design engineer
User No # 6622
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Questions / { balakrishnan }
Questions Answers Category Views Company eMail

Why we connect the capacitor in Delta?if we conect in Star what will happen?

9 Electrical Engineering 30840

What is IGBT?Where it is used? What is the difference between IGBT and Thyristor?

AC, Formo Plastic, HBL Power Systems, SECL,

5 Electrical Engineering 63317

What is mean by diversity Fator?

7 Electrical Engineering 19903

Explain Clearly Pahase and Neutral?

7 Electrical Engineering 10597

Why the Motor takes High Current in Starting time?

5 Electrical Engineering 11143

What is the difference between Surge protection device and Lighting arrester?

6 Electrical Engineering 15500

Explain the working principle of Synchronous Generator and Assynchronous generator?


11 Electrical Engineering 52390

Motor also having losses, we call KW rating. In transformer and generator having losses but we call KVA Rating why?

9 Electrical Engineering 14809

The rotor current is directly proportional to slip. How?

3 Electrical Engineering 7643

How the starter control the starting current in three phase AC Motor?(In DC apply the reistance).

6 Electrical Engineering 14649

Synchrounous motor is three phase motor,but its not self starting .why?

Delta Beverages, KI, L&T, NTC, TVS, Wipro,

23 Electrical Engineering 53491

Clearly Define Active,Reactive,Apparant power.Which applications used which power above metioned power?

Summit Power,

9 Electrical Engineering 21976

What is mean by CT Saturate? how do we calculate?


5 Electrical Engineering 9996

What is the difference between voltage transformer and potential transformer?

ABB, ETA, Maritime Academy, MSEB, Reliance Jio, Voltas, Wipro,

38 Electrical Engineering 91409

Answers / { balakrishnan }

Question { ABB, 52532 }

What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are
occurred what preventive methods should be taken?


Basically Three types of load are there..
1.Resistive load
2.Inductive load
3.Capacitive load
Resistive load always having unity power
factor.So we do not consider that type of loads.
In Inductive load Having Lagging power
factor,so we must improve the power factor.For this
improvement we can choose capacitor,Synchronous Motor
connected in parallel.These Loads give the Leading
current ,so it is compensate the lagging current...

Is This Answer Correct ?    88 Yes 3 No

Question { RRB, 24120 }

What is power factof?




Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

Question { HP, 170898 }

what is the function of commutator in dc motor?


The DC Generator generate the AC supply only in Armature
not DC Supply.But we want Dc source , so want one converter
thats why we use commutator.In shortly we can say its
converts AC source to DC source.

Is This Answer Correct ?    201 Yes 138 No

Question { Infosys, 19293 }

why the current leads voltage in the case of a capasitor


capacitor are always lead from voltage.Because if we give
the supply to the capacitor,at first the capacitor do
discharge,then charge.We can invent the angle of leading
from wave forms.Its leads angle may choosing of capacitor.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 22 No

Question { Avalon, 18085 }

condider as 100 w lamps glowing . for completing a one unit
how much time it should glow


As per basic electricity Concept 1 unit=1000 watts or 1KWH

Now we take 100 w/h load .Its mean it will
take 100w (electricity power consumed)by one hour and
respectively 200 w take two hours.....Finaly 1000w take 10
hours (without load interuption).

So it will take 10 hours

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 2 No

Question { Integra, 210514 }

How to calculate busbar size & what is the procedure we
make for determine that?


can you give any example at any parameters?

Is This Answer Correct ?    62 Yes 37 No

Question { ABB, 12439 }

hw to find transformer is in normal position? whether its
in charged condition or not? except humming sound?


Apart from Humming sound, we can found the following ways:-

1. OTI (Oil temperature indicator) shows the winding
temperature value
2.WTI (Winding temperature indicator)shows the winding
temperature value

but its not correct way because if we disconnect the TxR (after
some hours) charging both may show current values

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Dalkia, 8249 }

how will you determine the short circuit capacity of a


if we known the value of Z for total network we can by
below the formula,,,,,

Isc= Kva/1.732*v*Z%

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

Question { 8049 }

In a three phase transformer(delta/star connected)when i
touch one end of the bulb in any one phase and other end to
earth..will the bulb glow or not..if not why?..i'm touching
the bulb in star connected side...


Definetely the Bulb will glow,because essential points for
glow the lamp can get via your body i.e phase and
neutral,hence the lamp will glow.Incase if not,i think (not
sure) your body may have higher ohmic resistace.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

Question { 12827 }

how we can select MCB ratings according to Voltages, Curves.


1.We can select the MCB's acoording to Voltage is simple,if
we want 230V,select single pole MCb's else want 415V select
3 pole MCB's.

2.We can select the MCB's according to to Curves is also
simple,there are several types of curvature available..
there are,
B type: react quickly overload i.e 3-4.5 times of full load
Type C: react more slowly,these are recommended for
inductive with high inrush currents like fluorescent lamp.5-
10 times of Ifl
Type D: 10-20times of Ifl,recommended for very high inrush
Type K: 8-12 times of full load I,recommended for cable
protection to be provided which include
motors,capacitors,and transformers
Type S: 13-17 times of Ifl,recommended for protection of
control Transformer,

Type Z:

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 2 No

Question { 11978 }



Megger was the combination of Ohm meter+Generator.This
instrument used for measure the high value resistance (IR

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 4 No

Question { 5934 }

different between electrical and electronics Engineering????


If the current conducting process happening on
the metal conductors like cu,al...means its called as
Electrical engg.

If the current conducting process happening on
vacum tubes,semiconductors...means its called as
Electronics engg.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No