Why VCB and SF6 breakers to be used in HT used by cant ACB
of higher rating to be used for 11kv and 33kv.
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Answer / gunasekaran
insulation properties of SF6 is 2-3 time than air and it is
electro negative gas so it absorb more electron at the time
of fault and normal operating condition.in acb current
chopping is occur it is will make arc between the breaker if
you go high voltage.in vcb vacuum is good insulator than air.
so higher voltage level we r using vcb SF6 breaker
Is This Answer Correct ? | 24 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / mohammed amjath
In high voltage we use SF6 or VCB.Because if we go to ACB
the arc quenching will no be proper.Where as if we use vacum
or sulphur hexafloride the arc quenching will be 100percent.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / x man
iF ACB can be used every were they why do we need at the
other protective devices.so every thing has purpose for the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / baskaran.r
in an acb the distance between terminals are fixed for 415
volts. for higher voltages this need to be much larger.
there are some makes acbs are available in 3.3 kv with
increased gap to the tune of 2 feet. For higher voltages the
gap required will be very much higher.arc handling will be
impossible in higher voltages
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / deepak kumar
because in acb time required to extinguish the arc is much
more as compare to sf6 & vcb,if we use acb at higher
voltage , very large amount of heat will produced during
abnormal condition( short ckt) that will damage the acb or
complete circuit
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / kuldeep mehla
Beacuse Dielectric strength of vacuum & SF6 gas is more as compared to ACB. Therefore, for maintaining dielectric strenght to quench the arc at the same voltage level the size of ACB will be more compared to VCB & SF6. Therefore, ACB used in low tension line mostly.
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According BIS,IEC standards in HT lines the Isc that current
is very highly making arc that arc is quenched by the SF6 or
vcb. If ACB has used the breaker contacts & cables are burn
out at Isc.so we used SF6 & vcb has used in HT lines for
safety purpose
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 6 No |
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