How will earthing is making for Aeroplane?
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Answer / thowsif_emerson
All the negative wires are routed and connected to the
outer metallic surface/sheets of the Plane and the positive
wires connected to the instrument. It is called one wire
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Answer / satya dev
Basically all the aroplanes are constructed with metal and
hard plastics. during the flying in the sky all the metlic
parts are charged due to air and cloudes it is called
static electricity. now it is not possible to make
paramanat erthing to the airoplane when its flying but to
avoid the mejor problem occured all the tyres of the
aroplanes are made with good conductor along with the
rubber. when aroplanes are landing all charged electrone
are immediatly connected to ground and it has earthed to
make safe the aroplanes.may be all of you know that the
runway is already made for switable earthing.
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Answer / baljinder singh
We connect the neutral of generator in airplane as earthing
point. because in airplane we do not received the electrical
energy by transmission line. we get electrical energy from
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / vijay swami
no earthing is required... the ultimate ground is EARTH n
plane don come in contact wit it.. so earthing is not
possible in it..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 8 No |
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E.B sending end to receiving end 33kv ug cable laid 8Km,receiving end to ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4 all are Approx 800 Mtr,can go for 33KV to 430V or 33kv to 11kv in receiving end and 11kv to 430 near ss ,which one is good for technically and economically.
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