What is a good approximation for the heat transfer coefficient of hydrocarbons inside 3/4" tubes?
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Question 88 - In the calculation of the growth of bacteria, colony forming unit (CFU) in serial dilution is used. In a laboratory, viable count assay is used to estimate CFU. Formula applied is CFU / mL = (number of colonies x dilution) / (amount plated, in unit mL). Acceptable plate count is either between 20 and 200 or between 30 and 300 according to 2 different references. A wastewater sample of 200 ml is added to and mixed with 1.8 L of sterile water. Another 200 ml of the mixture is added to and mixed with 1.8 L of sterile water. (a) Calculate the dilution of first mixture and the dilution of the second mixture. (b) 100 microlitres of wastewater samples from the first mixture and the second mixture are placed separately on 2 different alga plates. The first plate has 250 colonies and the second plate has 23 colonies. Calculate the average CFU / mL.
Question 67 – In order to predict the wastewater production, the population number has to be understood. The population data is : 72000 (for year 1961 or P-1961), 85000 (for year 1971 or P-1971), 110500 (for year 1981 or P-1981). (a) Find the average population increase, or [ (P-1981 - P-1971) + (P-1971 - P-1961) ] / 2. (b) Find the average percentage population increase, or [ (P-1981 - P-1971) / P-1971 + (P-1971 - P-1961) / P-1961 ] / (2) X 100. (c) Find the incremental increase or P-1981 - 2 (P-1971) + P-1961. (d) Let Po = P-1981. After 2 decades or n = 2, the population is P-2001. By using arithmetical increase method, find P-2001 = Po + n (Answer for a). (e) By using incremental increase method, find P-2001 = (Answer of d) + n (n + 1) (Answer of c) / 2. (f) By using geometrical increase method, find P-2001 = Po [ 1 + (Answer of b) / 100 ] ^ n where ^ is power sign, or 1 ^ 2 = 1 x 1 = 1. (g) If the actual P-2001 = 184000, which method of estimation is more accurate, based on your answer in (d), (e) and (f)?
I will complete chemical engg next yr from a deemed university. Earlier I dropped 2 yrs after std 12th. Then I got 2 yr back while completing engg, due to reasons beyond my control. Will I face any problem while applying for job. More so not many core companies come to our collg for placement. So i want to know which all companies can I apply to get a job?
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.29 : An engineering company that produces small biochemical tools applies Installment Sales Method in its accounting. Let A = Installment Sales, B = Cost of Installment Sales, C = Gross Profit, D = Gross Profit Ratio. In year 20X8, let A = $400, B = $250, C = $150. In year 20X9, let A = $450, B = $315, C = $135. If the value of D = 37.5 % in year 20X8 : (a) find the value of D for year 20X9; (b) calculate the realized gross profit = ED / 100, for year 20X8 when the cash collected from sales is E = $100.
QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.1 : In quantum computing, let the amplitude A = a | 0 > + b | 1 >, | a | | a | + | b | | b | = 1. Find the values of b if A = 0.8 | 0 > + b | 1 >.
Diffrence between centrifugal & recipocating pump?
sir, kindly explain to me that how to calculate volume of torrispherical vessel which is used in pharma company ss reactor bottom dish volume. thank u.
Why an electromagnetic flow meter cannot be used for gases, steam and oil flow measurements?