CHEMICAL FLUID MECHANIC - EXAMPLE 3.3 : The drag coefficient Cd = 0.05 and lift coefficient Cl = 0.4 for a levelled flow aircraft are measured. The velocity of the aircraft is v = 150 ft / s with its weight W = 2677.5 pound-force. (a) Find the value of the lift of the aircraft, L, when it is also its weight. (b) The drag of the aircraft, D = Cd M, L = Cl M. Find the value of D. (c) The power required is P = Dv. If 1 pound-force x (ft / s) = 1.356 W, find the value of P in the unit of Watt or W.
CHEMICAL FLUID MECHANIC - ANSWER 3.3 : (a) L = W = 2677.5 pound-force. (b) D / L = Cd / Cl, then D = (Cd / Cl) L = (0.05 / 0.4) (2677.5) = 334.6875 pound-force. (c) P = Dv = 334.6875 (150) (1.356) = 68075.4375 W, where D has a unit of pound-force and v has a unit of ft / s. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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ENGINEERING PHYSICS - EXAMPLE 30.5 : (a) Let | A > = (Aa Ab Ac), | B > = (Ba Bb Bc), | C > = (Ca Cb Cc). Find | A > + | C > - | B > in term of Aa, Ab, Ac, Ba, Bb, Bc, Ca, Cb and Cc. (b) Let d | E > = d (Ea Eb Ec) = (d Ea d Eb d Ec). If | E > = (6 7 8), find the value of 10 | E >.
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Question 80 - Liquid octane has a density of 703 kilograms per cubic metre and molar mass of 114.23 grams per mole. Its specific heat capacity is 255.68 J / (mol K). (a) Find the energy in J needed to increase the temperature of 1 cubic metre of octane for 1 Kelvin. (b) At 20 degree Celsius, the solubility of liquid octane in water is 0.007 mg / L as stated in a handbook. For a mixture of 1 L of liquid octane and 1 L of water, prove by calculations that liquid octane is almost insoluble in water.
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Question 76 - Let C% be the fractional crystallinity, Rs = density of sample, Ra = density of amorphous form and Rc = density of crystalline form. In a polymer, these unknowns could be related by the equation C% = (Rc / Rs) (Rs - Ra) / (Rc - Ra). (a) Find the equation of Rc as a function of C%, Rs and Ra. (b) Two samples of a polymer, C and D exist. For sample C, C% = 0.513 when Rs = 2.215 unit. For sample D, C% = 0.742 when Rs = 2.144 unit. Both samples C and D have the same values of Ra and Rc. Find the values of Ra and Rc in 6 decimal places.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.23 : An engineering company would like to produce 10000 units of control instruments. Let selling price per unit = $10, variable cost per unit = $2, overall fixed cost = $30000. (a) Calculate the income obtained when all units are sold out successfully. (b) Find the overall cost of production. (c) Calculate the percentage of gross profit obtained based on the answers in (a) and (b). (d) Find the minimum units that need to be sold out successfully in order to prevent losses. (e) How many minimum units of instruments that need to be produced in order to prevent losses, if all units produced are sold out successfully?
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