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Ambuja Interview Questions
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what are some disadvantages are for using using cement in building a home?

2 23928

Your favourite area of interest

7 21605

May I Get an E-mail ID or contact details of Mr. C.M.Dordi Vice President - Technical Sales Ambuja Cements Limited. Please


How we detect the leakage current of 11 KV H.T. motors and waht is the maximim limit?

3 8753

i want to know about torque of slip ring induction motor


why celing fan is running in anti clock wise and table fan is running in clock wised?

2 6456

What are the parameters of water ( Water quality )to be monitored in Centralised HVAC ( water cooler chillers )


what is present rate for excise duty & service tax for f.y 2009/10?

12 22944

Process of recruitment and selection of HR in reliance company

4 22846

how to calculate the boiler efficiency?any formula is there?

6 22061

What is the Chemical Formula of Mineral Oil used in Transformer. It is Challenged for all Chemical Engineers.

6 23664

what is the principale of vortex flow meter.

7 11973

Difference between PLC and SCADA ? What are merits & De-merits of PLCs ? What are merits & De-merits of SCADAs ?

3 6893

Three goals you wish to achieve in the next 5 years

1 5762

how slip power recovery system work


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Describe the 3 object explorer (oe) tabs?


You wan to find a table which gives you user status with the notification number. What steps will you take?


What is a dynamic route in angularjs and how do you implement it?


Differentiate between Zero and Negative sequence current


what are the best institutes in hyd for groups


Suppose in market 4n27 is not easily available so which opto isolator can I use at the place of this? What is 4n27


Define unescape() and escape() functions?


What is the common work area?


Explain the various types of locking system in jdbc?


How do I change windows startup settings?


i hve 3 yrs of experience in financial market(capital and derivative market)as sales manager, i am handling a team under me which takes care of financial prodduc distribution and i am looking for oracle course, kindly let me know which module will be suitable for me.


How can you find out how much memory is available?


What is the difference between field-group header and other field groups?


I am using excel and I want to print only the bottom of the worksheet. There is not an option to do this in the print dialog box. How can this be done?


What is jdbc databasemetadata interface?