CHEMICAL FLUID MECHANIC - EXAMPLE 3.2 : The terminal velocity of a falling object, v is given by v = sqrt [ 4g (R - r) D / (3Cr) ] where sqrt is the square root of, g = 9.81, D = 0.000208, R = 1800, r = 994.6, m = 0.000893. The Reynold number, L is given by L = rD (v) / m. The C for various conditions are : C = 24 / L for L < 0.1; C = 24 (1 + 0.14 L^0.7) / L for 0.1 <= L <= 1000; C = 0.44 for 1000 < L <= 350000; C = 0.19 - 80000 / L for 350000 < L. Find the value of v for the situation above by trial and error, ^ is power, <= is less than or equal to.
CHEMICAL FLUID MECHANIC - ANSWER 3.2 : By trial and error, v = 0.016425. Excel function of program (Insert Function) in FORMULAS could be used to find a suitable value of C. Excel (Goal Seek : What-If-Analysis) in DATA could perform iteration on v. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.2 : (a) Let | - > = 1 | x > + 0 | y >, | | > = 0 | x > + 1 | y >. Find the value of 2 | x > + 3 | y > in term of | - > and | | >. (b) Let m to be the reduced mass. Find the value of m in term of Ma and Mb where 1 / m = 1 / Ma + 1 / Mb.
Question 111 - There are 6 spin orbitals in p subshell in a ground state carbon atom. Only 2 electrons fill the p subshell. Number of different ways for n electrons to occupy the k spin orbitals are k! / [ (n!) (k-n)! ]. Find the number of different configurations of electrons to occupy the p subshell in a carbon atom.
Heat transfer: In a steady state one dimensional conduction with no heat generation, the differential equation is d / dx (k dT / dx) = 0. Prove that T(x) = ax b, where k, a and b are constants. (b) At x = 0, T = c and at x = L, T = d. Prove that T(x) = (d - c) x / L c for boundary conditions.
MICROBIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING - QUESTION 28.2 : A hemocytometer is a device that is used for counting cells. In an engineering experiment, 100 microlitres of cell suspension is diluted with 50 microlitres of Trypan blue dye. Only death cells appear blue in color when stained with the dye. There are 57 cells detected in a hemocytometer, where 5.3 % of them appear blue when the chamber of the meter is placed under a microscope. Each square of a chamber can contain 0.0001 mL of liquid. (a) Calculate the number of viable cells. (b) The cells occupied 5 squares. Calculate the average number of viable cells / square. (c) Calculate the dilution factor of the cell suspension by using the formula : Dilution = final volume / initial volume. (d) Calculate the concentration of viable cells / mL by using the formula : Concentration = (Average number of viable cells / square) x dilution x (square / volume).
which is more effective , a single extraction with a large volume of solvent or several small volume extractions? Explain.
i m a frsh chemical engineer now i m confuse to attend the interview so anybody pls send model question papers to this
QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.4 : In a rigid rotor model in quantum chemistry, the moment of inertia I is given by an Equation E as I = Ma x La x La + Mc x Lc x Lc = m x L x L, where m = (Ma x Mc) / (Ma + Mc) and L = La + Lc, m is the reduced mass, Ma is the mass of a, Mc is the mass of c, La is the radius of a from point O, Lc is the radius of c from point O. Prove by simplest method that Equation E is wrong.
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QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.9 : (a) Let ^ be the symbol of power where 10 ^ 1 = 10, 10 ^ 2 = 100, 10 ^ 3 = 1000 etc. Total energy consumption of the brain is about 25 Watts, whereas a Blue Gene computer requires 1.5 Mega Watts. Blue Gene computer performs at 1 petaflop. In a human body, there are approximately 10 ^ 16 synapse operations per second i. e. at least 10 petaflops. Prove by calculations that a human brain is more energy efficient than a Blue Gene computer. (b) Quantum effects and quantum entanglement in the brain are identical to quantum gravity and string theory. If one is true, the other is true. What conclusion can be made if quantum effects in the brain and quantum gravity are true?
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