A simple Question from all....
If Voltage drops then its rated value what will be effect on
a Residential load? similarly if voltage rises from its
rated value then what will be effects on a load? i know if
voltage drops the equipment or device draws more current
then its rated what are other reasons ? thanks in advance
for ur time.......
how do the stepper motor works.
what meant by Locked Rotor Current ?
What are the different types of hydro schemes?
What is the meaning of EDO in DG panels?
1. Design a counter which counts 0, 4, 8, 2, 6, and repeats using: 1.a using JK flip flops 1.b using T flip flops 1.c using D flip flops
How many types of timer ?which timer are used star delta feeder
how mass curve differs from hydrograph.
active elements are those which are capable of
what is rotatng magnetic field in case of three or multiple phase alternating current machines???
why used in starter in tube ligtht circuit.
4 Answers College School Exams Tests, HP,
(In MEP services) HVAC in AC Plant room what else can we provide if the chiller is not considered?
How to calculate the size of cables (all minium/copper) for a particular load
1 Answers BSL, Galaxy Power System,