Define liftable weight of a transformer? Does the total weight
of transformer include oil weight?
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how to connect the three phase capacitor in three phase star/delta connection motor?
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what is first pole to clear factor ?
what are the range of memory address in plc for L&T lx7 4A
how we can check that any motor is faulty may be single phase or three phase?
Why voltmeter is not connected in seris & ammeter connected in parallel ?
Is it really necessary to have reactive power in transmission line to transfer the power from one place to other?
How select ELCB for 32amp. socket having quantity 12Nos. We have to do this wiring in PLANT. Please Also explain the incoming cable specification.
0 Answers Gulf Industrial Services Company GISCO,
what is the series parallel connection of capacitors? and how can we use these application in three phase motors for controlling torque?
How many types of timer ?which timer are used star delta feeder