What is the difference between 11kv/110v & 33kv/110v ? If both 11 & 33KV give 110v then what is the diiference ?
how the arcing is made in ac electric arc furnace? ( between the three electrodes in any sequences or between the electrode & the charge(steel))
What will happen if supply frequency change in Transformer KVA rating ?
What is essential to prove safe isolation of electrical circuit?
What is different between Regulator & Stabilizer?
Is the theorem applicable to ac sources?
1ampear me kitna watts hota hai aur elcb ka pura naam kya hai
18 Answers Al Khayyat, Alpha G, BEC, Bhel, CGS, Electrical, Fiem, Firmenich, HLG Habtoor Leighton Group, Jash, Kandia, Maruti Suzuki, Minda, NTPC, ONEIC, Pace Process Controls, SMTC, SR, Sunrise Electrical, Sushil Enterprises, Suzlon, Voltage,
without name plate detail of blower how we can find out the HP & Rpm ? the input voltage is 230v single phase
how do you tell if a avalanche button diode is a p or an
Why electrical power generation and transmission done in 3 phase system not more than 3 phase ?
Why does the speed regulating system adopting I controller have no steady-state error? In this single closed-loop speed regulating system, when the input of the I controller Un=0, what is the output voltage of the regulator? What factors do the output voltage depend on?
Write a note on RC operational amplifier as integrator
11. As per the theory current doesn’t flows in Neutral, but practically it is not applicable, explain why? 12. How to take the Vector Group Test in Transformer? What is the purpose of doing Vector Group Test? 13. Why the transmission lines are in 11kV, 22kV, 33kv, and why not 10kV, 20kV, 30kV? 14. Why do we generate 3 Phase AC Supply? It is possible to generate 4 Phase and 5 Phase explain it? 15. Explain why the Voltage drop will happen in 3 Phase line? 16. What is the equipment used to control the generator output? 17. What are the factors to be considered during the Synchronization? 18. What should be value of Circuit breaker operating time and tripping time? 19. Why the CT Secondary is rated as 5A generally? 20. At which time Synchronous generator act as a Synchronous Condenser?