how to do rate analysis for P.C.C 1:4:8 for 2.83cum(100cft)
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Answer / ganesh
Rate analysis is only for Cum
so find outthe material requirment first, and do calculate
as per CPW data
For Ex pls find the below statement,
"Providing and laying in position cement concrete of
specified grade excluding the cost of centring and
shuttering -
-All work upto plinth level: 1:11/2:3 ( 1 Cement: 11/2
coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)"
Sl No Description Unite Quantity Rate
1 Stone aggregate 20mm cum 0.85 1060.07
2 Coarse sand cum 0.45 1590.11 715.55
3 Cement bag(50kg) 8 305.00 2440.00
4 Mason Day 0.1 450.00 45.00
5 M/C Day 1.63 300.00 489.00
6 F/C Day 0.7 200.00 140.00
7 Mixer Day 0.07 1800.00 126.00
8 Vibrator Day 0.07 600.00 42.00
9 Sundries LS 14.3 1.00 14.30
10 Total 4912.91
11 Add 1% for Water Charges
12 Shuttering sqm 3 135.00 405.00
13 Total 5367.04
14 10 % for contractor’s profit and overheads Cost of
1 cum 536.70
15 Total 5903.74
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